I'm trying to deploy a simple Geddyjs (node.js) app to Heroku.
When I make a push a recive that error:
git push heroku master
Heroku receiving push
Heroku push rejected, no Cedar-supported app detected
What I have to do to that heroku detect the nodejs app?
couple of things did you do this for cedar you need to explicitly say this (I am sure you have done this but here for completeness)
heroku create --stack cedar
ensure that your package.json is at the root
heroku have a good article on this
You should now be able to
git push heroku master
Have you added Procfile and package.json to your local git repo. and committed them?
I had created them but forgot to add & commit them so when pushed these files weren't uploaded hence Heroku didn't know the type of app.
Adding, committing & re-pushing fixed this.
Obvious when you know:-)