How to delete session cookie in Postman?

2019-01-13 14:33发布


I am testing my API in Postman and am having trouble simulating a log out.

If I do a call to delete the session cookie,
the session cookie is still there afterwards, and I'm still able to access routes that require authentication.

The route handler on the server is:

    method: 'DELETE',
    path: '/sessions/_current',
    handler: function(req, reply){

This is Node.js with Hapi but it shouldn't matter.

Is there a way to delete all the cookies in Postman or certain cookies manually?


Manually deleting it in the chrome browser removes the cookie from Postman.

In your chrome browser go to chrome://settings/cookies

Find the cookie and delete it

Edit: As per Max890 comment below (in my version of Google Chrome (ver 63)) this is now chrome://settings/content/cookies Then go to "See all cookies and site data"


Postman 4.0.5 has a feature named Manage Cookies located below the Send button which manages the cookies separately from Chrome it seems.


Is the Postman Interceptor enabled? Toggling it will route all requests and responses through the Chrome browser.

Interceptor - Cookies documentation -


In the Native Postman app there is "Cookie manager", so that is not a problem at all,

But in the Postman extension for Chrome there is not

So the solution is just in the installing native Postman

Postman for Linux, Mac & Windows


As @markus said use the "Cookie Manager" and delete the cookie.

If you want to learn how to set destroy cookies in postman, You should check the Postman Echo service

There you will find complete explanation on how to Set, Get and Delete those cookies.

Check it on :

Give it a Try.


Have you tried Clear Cache extension? Give it a try. It clears app cache, downloads, file systems, form data, history, local storage, passwords and much more, available in the Options settings.

Update: try this answer

I'm not sure of a way to do this in Postman. I used to close the whole browser and reset the server in order to authenticate again. Never tested logout because it was an API service.


into Chrome, right click -> Inspect Element. Go to the tab active tracking of resources and if you have not already. Now the left hand sidebar thingy down until you see "Cookies", click below your domain name and to remove a cookie just right-click on it and "Delete"


You can use the Postman interceptor.That you can add into the chrome extension by this link:

This helps you send requests which use browser cookies through the Postman app. It can also send headers which are normally restricted by Chrome but are critical for testing APIs.

And also you can enable by interceptor which is there beside the orange sync icon


Note that this answer applies only to the standalone Postman UI and not the Postman app/add-on for Chrome.

How to clear the cache in Postman (so that you are required to log in again when requesting a token, for example):

  • navigate to View: Show DevTools
  • navigate to the Application tab, then the Clear Storage view in the left menu
  • deselect all choices except Cache Storage, then click on ‘Clear site data’
  • restart Postman
  • you should now be prompted to log in again when requesting a new token

标签: postman