The trendData is a list of EventLogs using the current UTC date as the end date and a start date of the current UTC date -13 (the db stores dates as UTC)
DateTime dUtcEnd = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
DateTime dUtcStart = dUtcEnd.AddDays(-13);
var trendData = (from e in db.EventLogs
where e.EventDateTime >= dUtcStart && e.EventDateTime <= dUtcEnd
&& e.EventType == 'some event'
select e).ToList();
Is there a way to Take
and Skip
in week increments in order to populate array values for the current and previous weeks?
Something along these lines? Somehow I imagine that the Take
and Skip
need to base it on the EventDateTime in order to determine what current and previous weeks are considered.
var currentTrend = trendData.Take(7).Reverse();
var previousTrend = trendData.Skip(7).Take(7).Reverse();
In order to give some further context into what is trying to be accomplished, below is an idea of how the Highcharts arrays are going to be populated.
The results returned would contain 3 arrays.
WeeklyTrend results = new WeeklyTrend();
results.Categories = new string[7];
results.ThisWeek = new int[7];
results.LastWeek = new int[7];
Populate the Categories with the Today value decremented by one day each time for the current week.
int dayCounter = 6;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
results.Categories[i] = dUtcEnd.AddDays(-dayCounter).ToShortDateString();
Look in the Categories array in order to find the array value where the EventDateTime matches the date in the array.
foreach (var cTrend in currentTrend)
var dayOfWeek = Array.FindIndex(results.Categories, c => c.Contains(cTrend.EventDateTime.ToShortDateString()));
Look in the Categories array in order to find the array value where the EventDateTime matches the date in the array with days added to match the current week..
foreach (var pTrend in previousTrend)
var dayOfWeek = Array.FindIndex(results.Categories, c => c.Contains(pTrend.EventDateTime.AddDays(6).ToShortDateString()));
The end goal is to populate a Highcharts trend chart that shows data from the current week compared to the previous week.