Ok, These are all basic questions but there are not many answers found on the Internet.
OK, Now, I insert into Datastore using this Java code
Text descriptionText=new Text(description);
Anh here is the retrieving code:
Text description=(Text)structureObjectEntity.getProperty("Description");\
Now, let say, I insert "We should arrive before dark.<br>I should have finished the book by Friday. <br>The roads should be less crowded today.<br><br>Source: http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/should?q=should
" into Datastore
But when retrieving data, the System.out.println(description);
return <Text: We should arrive before dark.<br>I should have finished the book by Fr...>
(some data got lost & there is <Text:
at the head of the data & ...
at the tail of the data) & that messed up everything.
So, How to retrieve Text type from Datastore Google Cloud?