Limiting the number of combinations /permutations

2019-07-20 04:00发布


I was going to generate some combination using the itertools, when i realized that as the number of elements increase the time taken will increase exponentially. Can i limit or indicate the maximum number of permutations to be produced so that itertools would stop after that limit is reached.

What i mean to say is:

Currently i have

#big_list is a list of lists
permutation_list = list(itertools.product(*big_list))

Currently this permutation list has over 6 Million permutations. I am pretty sure if i add another list, this number would hit the billion mark.

What i really need is a significant amount of permutations (lets say 5000). Is there a way to limit the size of the permutation_list that is produced?


You need to use itertools.islice, like this

itertools.islice(itertools.product(*big_list), 5000)

It doesn't create the entire list in memory, but it returns an iterator which consumes the actual iterable lazily. You can convert that to a list like this

list(itertools.islice(itertools.product(*big_list), 5000))


itertools.islice has many benefits such as ability to set start and step. Solutions below aren't that flexible and you should use them only if start is 0 and step is 1. On the other hand, they don't require any imports.

You could create a tiny wrapper around itertools.product

it = itertools.product(*big_list)
pg = (next(it) for _ in range(5000)) # generator expression

(next(it) for _ in range(5000)) returns a generator not capable of producing more than 5000 values. Convert it to list by using the list constructor

pl = list(pg)

or by wrapping the generator expression with square brackets (instead of round ones)

pl = [next(it) for _ in range(5000)] # list comprehension

Another solution, which is just as efficient as the first one, is

pg = (p for p, _ in zip(itertools.product(*big_list), range(5000))

Works in Python 3+, where zip returns an iterator that stops when the shortest iterable is exhausted. Conversion to list is done as in the first solution.


You can try out this method to get particular number of permutations number of results a permutation produce is n! where n stands for the number of elements in a list for example if you want to get only 2 results then you can try the following:

Use any temporary variable and limit it

    from itertools import permutations
    for i in list(per):
        if temp<=2:    #2 is the limit set
           print (i)