I have built openssl static libraries(libeay32.lib and ssleay32.lib) with openssl source code using VC++ compiler. I use them in a VS2010 project and they works well.
#pragma comment( lib, "libeay32.lib" )
#pragma comment( lib, "ssleay32.lib" )
Then problem is I want to debug the source code of openssl libraries in VS2010(step into, step over...). For example, set a breakpoint in the openssl api and then step into the openssl source file. how can I achieve that?
I have tried to use VS compiler option 'Zi' to generate some .pdb files when building openssl static libraries, but I don't know how to use them. I tried to add the path of those .pdb files in Option->Debugging->Symbols->Symbol file location, but seems it doesn't work.