
Is it possible for a FIFO page-replacement strateg

2019-07-20 03:37发布


As part of my operating systems homework, I was asked to compare the number of page faults produced by first-in-first-out and least-recently-used page-replacement strategies for a given sequence of page accesses. Perplexingly, it appears that FIFO produced fewer page faults than LRU. Is this possible, or have I made a mistake?


Yes, it's possible for FIFO to beat LRU. The smallest example I can think of,

Cache size: 2 pages.

Access pattern: A, B, A, C

After that, the LRU cache contains "A, C", whereas the FIFO cache contains "B, C". They have each missed 3 times so far. So if the next page access is "B", then FIFO beats LRU. If it's "A", LRU beats FIFO. If it's anything else, they remain tied.


It's kind of difficult to give you a hint without giving you the answer. Why don't you try setting the question for yourself ? Put yourself in the mind of your teacher, a twisted dark place, and try setting the question in such a way as will make your (fellow) students think deeply about this.