How to deploy war with automatic buildnumber to to

2019-07-20 02:48发布


I am using maven3 as build tool and have some plugins. Here is my maven setting:


                <!-- Build number auto increment -->

                <!-- Ignore/Execute plugin execution -->
                <!-- copy-dependency plugin -->

                <!-- webtools plugin to run the project in Tomcat. It also has republish functionality. -->

                <!-- Codehaus mojo plugin to deploy, run the project in Tomcat -->

I uses below command when I build and deploy to Tomcat.

mvn clean tomcat:redeploy 

However Tomcat plugin cannot find war file because buildernumber plugin set the war file name with increment buildnumber. I want to deploy war file still using buildnumber plugin. How can I fix this issue? Your answer would be appreciated.

RELATED: Visibility of buildnumber-maven-plugin property ${buildNumber}


Use tomcat 7, with '##' tomcat7 is possible to use the aritfactId as context and the version as version in tomcat.


Parts in your pom that you use in more that one pom like 'maven-compiler-plugin' put in the parent pom and include in all your project poms.