So... I was generating queries and then I pastes one particularly long one into eclipse, eclipse encountered a heap error and then crashed. I thought, no big deal, I can just go back in and delete a bunch, except for... every time I try to look at the file now eclipse will just crash. Either a heap error or a gc overhead limit error. I plan on just deleting this from outside eclipse, but I really want to know if there are any clever ways of attacking this problem. It's less than 14 megs, and I didn't really think that eclipse would have a problem with it, any insights on why?
First, make sure you are invoking a generic text editor. Either name the file with an extension of .txt, or make sure you don't have something like an SQL editor associated with the file type. (Check in Window | Preferences | General | Editors | File Associations). Another possibility is to right-click the file, choose Open With.., then choose 'Text Editor'.
Second, you might need to start Eclipse with a bit more JVM Heap, depending on what else is in the workspace. You do this by either adding command line arguments to your invocation (eclipse -vmargs -Xmx1000M), or editing your eclipse.ini. You can read more details at