how to sort a Kendo grid using HTML helpers?

2019-07-20 01:50发布


I have implemented a Kendo grid using Html helpers. Everything works but the sorting, when I click the sorting arrows, it thinks and refreshes the same data.

<div id="SearchResults">
                var grid = Html.Kendo().Grid<SearchCOESGridViewModel>();

                .Columns(columns =>
                    columns.Bound(s => s.COESNo).Title(@SearchCOES.COESGridHeading);
                    columns.Bound(s => s.Postcode).Title(@SearchCOES.PostcodeGridHeading);
                    columns.Bound(s => s.AuditAuthNo).Title(@SearchCOES.AuditAuthGridHeading);
                    columns.Bound(s => s.COESNo).Title("").ClientTemplate("<a href='javascript:void(0)' data-id='#= COESNoValue #' class='edit-link'>" + @Grid.EditAction + "</a>").Sortable(false);


                grid.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                    .Sort(sort => sort.Add("COESNo").Ascending())
                    .Read(read => read.Action("SearchGridData", "PrepareCOES"))).AutoBind(false);



How can I do sorting if I am using ajax data binding?

The paging works fine. Its just the sorting that doesn't seem to sort, I am using Chrome and I can see a request being sent back, but no sort happens


Its ok I just worked it out. I didn't have the kendo.aspnetmvc.js script included. I had the kendo.web.js. But I need both. Works fine now.

标签: kendo-ui