I have a json object with a manually crafted ToJSON instance. I would like to replace this with a function that does not require my explicit enumeration of the key names.
I am using "rec*" as a prefix I would like to strip, and my fields start out as Text rather than string.
Starting with minimal data:
data R3 = R3 { recCode :: Code
, recValue :: Value} deriving (Show, Generic)
And smart constructor function:
makeR3 rawcode rawval = R3 code value where
code = rawcode
value = rawval
This implementation works fine:
instance ToJSON R3 where
toJSON (R3 recCode recValue) = object [ "code" .= recCode, "value" .= recValue]
But as you can imagine, typing out every key name by hand from "code" to "recCode" is not something I want to do.
tmp_r3 = makeR3 "TD" "100.42"
as_json = encode tmp_r3
main = do
let out = encodeToLazyText tmp_r3
I.putStrLn out
I.writeFile "./so.json" out
return ()
Output is correct:
-- not recValue and recCode, correct!
However, when I try this function, it becomes unable to convert the text to string as it had automatically before.
instance ToJSON R3 where
toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions {
fieldLabelModifier = T.toLower . IHaskellPrelude.drop 3 }
<interactive>:8:35: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘Text’ with ‘String’
Expected type: String -> String
Actual type: String -> Text
• In the ‘fieldLabelModifier’ field of a record
In the first argument of ‘genericToJSON’, namely ‘defaultOptions {fieldLabelModifier = toLower . IHaskellPrelude.drop 3}’
In the expression: genericToJSON defaultOptions {fieldLabelModifier = toLower . IHaskellPrelude.drop 3}
<interactive>:8:47: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘String’ with ‘Text’
Expected type: String -> Text
Actual type: String -> String
• In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘IHaskellPrelude.drop 3’
In the ‘fieldLabelModifier’ field of a record
In the first argument of ‘genericToJSON’, namely ‘defaultOptions {fieldLabelModifier = toLower . IHaskellPrelude.drop 3}’
The error itself is clear enough that Text doesn't work, but what should I change to strip my prefixes from keynames functionally in json output and also correctly convert text to string?
I am also a little confused that I didn't change my input, it was Text type in both instances, but the first implementation was OK to work with it, while the second was not.
I am working in an ihaskell jupyter notebook.
When I use the Data.Char recommended in answers below:
import Data.Char(toLower)
instance ToJSON R3 where
toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions {
fieldLabelModifier = Data.Char.toLower . IHaskellPrelude.drop 3 }
I get:
<interactive>:8:35: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘Char’ with ‘String’
Expected type: String -> String
Actual type: String -> Char
• In the ‘fieldLabelModifier’ field of a record
In the first argument of ‘genericToJSON’, namely ‘defaultOptions {fieldLabelModifier = Data.Char.toLower . IHaskellPrelude.drop 3}’
In the expression: genericToJSON defaultOptions {fieldLabelModifier = Data.Char.toLower . IHaskellPrelude.drop 3}
<interactive>:8:55: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘String’ with ‘Char’
Expected type: String -> Char
Actual type: String -> String
• In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘IHaskellPrelude.drop 3’
In the ‘fieldLabelModifier’ field of a record
In the first argument of ‘genericToJSON’, namely ‘defaultOptions {fieldLabelModifier = Data.Char.toLower . IHaskellPrelude.drop 3}’
And when I try a naked "drop" rather than an IHaskellPrelude drop, I get:
instance ToJSON R3 where
toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions {
fieldLabelModifier = Data.Char.toLower . drop 3 }
<interactive>:8:55: error:
Ambiguous occurrence ‘drop’
It could refer to either ‘BS.drop’, imported from ‘Data.ByteString’
or ‘IHaskellPrelude.drop’, imported from ‘Prelude’ (and originally defined in ‘GHC.List’)
or ‘T.drop’, imported from ‘Data.Text’