I'm currently working on a Prolog program that will generate a CYK parse table after being given a set of productions. However, I am having troubles checking two rows to see if they are equivalent. Here's what I have so far:
%Checks to see if it is equivalent
equal(X,Y) :- sort(X,X1), sort(Y,Y1), X1 == Y1.
%find the length of the lists
total_length([_|Xs],L) :- total_length(Xs,M), L is M+1.
%storing length of lists and possible use of a decrement here to decrement the length...but don't understand how
storing(M,N) :- total_length(L,L_length), total_length(N,N_length), L_length is N_length, answer(L_length,N_length).
%Check for row equivalence...again, trying to find a way to decrement for the recursion, but unsure how to do it
sublist_check(Ra,Rb) :- storing(Ra,Rb), nth0(X,Ra,R1), nth0(Y,Rb,R2), equal(R1,R2), sublist_check(Ra,Rb).
Let's say an input is:
sublist_check([["A"],[],[]], [[],["A"],[]]). -->
sublist_check([["A"],["B","C"],["B","C"]],[["A"],["C","B"],["C","B"]]). -->
I think my issue is that I need to find a way to create a variable equivalent to the max length of the list and decrement it every time, but I run into the error of setting the initial length of sublist_check back to its original number.
Any input/feedback would be brilliant, thanks so much!