LINQ to return list of Object filtered on a proper

2019-07-19 23:36发布


I'm looking for some help with a LINQ query to filter on a property/enum of a custom object which is in a nested List, and want to maintain the parent object in return list.

For example/clarity/sample code, I have a parent object, which has in it a List based on class and enum below:

public class Stage {
  public String Name { get; set;}
  public List<Evaluation> MyEvaluations { get; set;}
public class Evaluation {
  public float Result { get; set; }
  public enumResultType ResultType { get; set; }
public enum enumResultType { 

Once can simulate sample data along those lines with something like:

List<Stage> ParentList = new List<Stage>();
Stage Stage1 = new Stage() { Name = "Stage1", 
MyEvaluations = new List<Evaluation>() { 
new Evaluation() { ResultType = enumResultType.A, Result=5 },
new Evaluation() { ResultType = enumResultType.B, Result=10},
new Evaluation() { ResultType = enumResultType.B, Result=11}, 
new Evaluation() { ResultType = enumResultType.C, Result=5}
Stage Stage2 = new Stage() { Name = "Stage2",
MyEvaluations = new List<Evaluation>() { 
new Evaluation() { ResultType = enumResultType.A, Result=10},
new Evaluation() { ResultType = enumResultType.B, Result=20},
new Evaluation() { ResultType = enumResultType.C, Result=20}}};

What I want to be able to do via LINQ is to select from the Parentlist object, all the items with only a filtered list where The ResultType in the Evaluations List matches a proper condition... I don't want to repeat the parent object Multiple times (seen selectmany), rather a filtered down list of the MyEvaluations where the ResultType matches, and if this list has items (it would) return it with the parent.

I've played with:

ParentList.Select(x => x.MyEvaluations.FindAll(y => y.ResultType==enumResultType.B)).ToList();

however this return only the inner list... whereas

ParentList.Where(x => x.MyEvaluations.Any(y => y.ResultType==enumResultType.B)).ToList();

returns ANY.. however I am missing how to get the list of MyEvaluations to be filtered down..

In my Example/sample data, I would like to query query ParentList for all situations where ResultType = enumResultType.B;

So would expect to get back a list of the same type, but without "Evaluation" which are equal to ResultType.A or .C

Based on dummy data, I would expect to be getting something which would have:

returnList.Count() - 2 items (Stage1 / Stage2) and within that Stage1 --> foreach (item.Result : 10, 11 Stage2 --> foreach (item.Result : 20

Can this be done without going to projections in new anonymous types as I would like to keep the list nice and clean as used later on in DataBinding and I iterate over many ResultTypes?

Feel like I'm missing something fairly simple, but fairly new to LINQ and lambda expressions.


Did you try these approaches already? Or is this not what you're looking for ?

//creating a new list 
var answer = (from p in ParentList
             select new Stage(){
             Name = p.Name,
             MyEvaluations = p.MyEvaluations.Where(e => e.ResultType == enumResultType.B).ToList()

//in place replacement               
ParentList.ForEach(p => p.MyEvaluations = p.MyEvaluations.Where(e => e.ResultType == enumResultType.B).ToList());