
C2143 syntax error when including boost/optional.h

2019-07-19 19:34发布


I'm stuck with a compile-time error which I cannot understand. I try to use boost::optional in my code, and as soon as I include boost/optional.hpp I cannot build my project any longer. If I comment this include statement out, it works. I don't even have any actual usage of boost::optional in my code yet, just the include statement in the class header (see full header below). The compiler error is C2143 syntax error: missing ',' before '<' which happens in another Boost header boost/utility/compare_pointees.hpp (see GitHub link below). I also successfully use other stuff from Boost like boost::filesystem::path in the same project already, so there should be no problem with my Boost distribution as such.

Here is my environment: Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 Version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3 and boost 1.62.0. I also use the third-party library C++ REST SDK, everything else is C++ standard library stuff.

My header looks like this. I want to add a new method with boost::optional<size_t> as return type.

#pragma once

#include <boost/optional.hpp>   // <==== ERROR

#include <cpprest/http_listener.h>
#include <cpprest/http_msg.h>

namespace SANDBOX::REST
   class HttpGetHandler
       virtual void HandleHttpGetRequest(web::http::http_request request) = 0;

The place, where the compiler error is reported, is in the Boost header boost/utility/compare_pointees.hpp, line 36. You can view the full content of this file on GitHub under https://github.com/boostorg/utility/blob/boost-1.62.0/include/boost/utility/compare_pointees.hpp

The compiler output shows nothing more than these messages:

1>D:\dev\lib\boost_1_62_0\boost/utility/compare_pointees.hpp(36): error C2143: syntax error: missing ',' before '<'
1>  D:\dev\lib\boost_1_62_0\boost/utility/compare_pointees.hpp(40): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::equal_pointees_t<OptionalPointee>' being compiled
1>D:\dev\lib\boost_1_62_0\boost/utility/compare_pointees.hpp(59): error C2143: syntax error: missing ',' before '<'
1>  D:\dev\lib\boost_1_62_0\boost/utility/compare_pointees.hpp(63): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::less_pointees_t<OptionalPointee>' being compiled
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 2 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

It's surely not a problem of the Boost library. But how can I figure out, what's wrong with my classes or project settings?

P.S. I can reproduce the behavior even if I use these most primitive header and source file in my project:

Header file Test.h:

#pragma once

#include <boost/optional.hpp>

Source file Test.cpp:

#include "../include/Test.h"


I could figure out the reason due to a valuable hint by jv_. I turned on compiler switch /std:c++latest in my project settings to be able to use C++17 nested namespace definition feature. Activating this switch removes some deprecated language features, in particular std::binary_function, which is still in use in the current Boost distribution (1.62.0), hence producing the compiler error. Finally, I decided to remove the switch /std:c++latest (and use the ordinary way to declare my namespaces) and this solved the issue. Thank you all for helping me.


The problem fixed in boost 1.63.0. It no longer uses std::binary_function which is removed in C++17.


In my case I had a #define new DEBUG_NEW in the Force include file (C++->Advanced). I fixed it by adding a #undef new berore the boost #include's and then #define new DEBUG_NEW after.