I'm trying to get a list of common likes (public) between a user and his friends. I thought this FQL query would work but I'm getting an unknown user error:
--get page_id that you have and any of your friends have
select uid, page_id from page_fan where uid in (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) and page_id in (select page_id from page_fan where uid= me())
I'm getting this error:
<error_response><error_code>1</error_code><error_msg>An unknown error occurred</error_msg></error_response>
Any suggestions?
It seems that the result set is way to big for the API to handle. Your best bet is to try to limit the result set by either query a set of friends against the user's like or query one, two ...etc pages at a time (if that also didn't work try to LIMIT
your friends to say 100 to make sure you are actually getting something). Example of a query:
select uid, page_id
from page_fan
where uid in (
FROM friend
WHERE uid1 = me()
) and page_id in (
select page_id
from page_fan
where uid= me()
Obviously there is no offset
in FQL. So first, you need to retrieve the user's likes and then query against them. You can always use the batch api to make multiple calls in a single batch call.
SELECT page_id from page_fan WHERE uid = me() and page_id IN ( SELECT page_id from page_fan WHERE uid = give one hid here )