I want to get the values of some parameters in a URL, I know the idea but I don't know how to do get them.
I have an string that is an URL:
local url="fbconnect://success?to[0]=213322147507203&to[1]=223321147507202&request=524210977333164"
I want to detect the sub-strings "to[" and get the numbers 293321147507203,293321147507202 and store them in a table.
I know the process is detect the sub-string to[ and then get the sub-string that is 3 character (or 6 not sure if it counts from the beginning of "to[" and then get the number, always is a 15 digit number.
local url="fbconnect://success?to[0]=213322147507203&to[1]=223321147507202&request=524210977333164"
local some_table = {}
for i, v in url:gmatch'to%[(%d+)]=(%d+)' do
some_table[tonumber(i)] = v -- store value as string
print(some_table[0], some_table[1]) --> 213322147507203 223321147507202
Here you go, a slightly more general solution for parsing query string, supporting string and integer keys, as well as implicit_integer_keys[]
function url_decode (s)
return s:gsub ('+', ' '):gsub ('%%(%x%x)', function (hex) return string.char (tonumber (hex, 16)) end)
function query_string (url)
local res = {}
url = url:match '?(.*)$'
for name, value in url:gmatch '([^&=]+)=([^&=]+)' do
value = url_decode (value)
local key = name:match '%[([^&=]*)%]$'
if key then
name, key = url_decode (name:match '^[^[]+'), url_decode (key)
if type (res [name]) ~= 'table' then
res [name] = {}
if key == '' then
key = #res [name] + 1
key = tonumber (key) or key
res [name] [key] = value
name = url_decode (name)
res [name] = value
return res
For URL fbconnect://success?to[0]=213322147507203&to[1]=223321147507202&request=524210977333164&complex+name=hello%20cruel+world&to[string+key]=123
it returns:
["complex name"]="hello cruel world",
to={ [0]="213322147507203", [1]="223321147507202", ["string key"]="123" }