Android Google Analytics Exception logging

2019-07-19 18:19发布


I'm using Google Analytics SDK v4 for Android to record the exceptions. I followed the sample app but I could see no exceptions getting registered in the dashboard.

I wrote the code as below

/*exception tracking */
// Get tracker.
Tracker t2 =
  ((MyApp) this.getApplication()).getTracker(TrackerName.APP_TRACKER);

// Build and send exception.
int a = 0;
String exceptionStr = "";

  int b = a/0;
}catch(Exception ex){
  exceptionStr = ex.toString();
  t2.send(new HitBuilders.ExceptionBuilder()
          .setDescription(exceptionStr + ":" + "In Main screen")


  Log.v("Manual logging", "finished for analytics");

"Manual logging", "finished for analytics" is showing up in the logcat window but when I check the analytics there is nothing registered.

BTW the user screen flow etc working just fine with the SDK. Just the exception logging is not working.


Data can take some time to show up in the GoogleAnalytics dashboard. Give it some time, it will show up under exceptions.


This works for me but I'm using advanced crash report implementation.

Go to Behavior --> Crashes & Exceptions

In the top right drop-down (below date range selector), select "Faster Response, less Precision" option instead of the default "Slower Response, Greater Precision":

Also, additionally, you can click on the "Refresh Report" button in the lower right corner if the last reported generated is stale:

If none of the above work, then wait for 24 hours for GA to generate the reports :)