NSubstitute: Mock method is not returning expected

2019-07-19 18:06发布


I'm new to NSubstitute, mocking, and unit testing in general.

I'm trying to use NSubstitute to remove some dependencies I have in my class under test, but methods in the mock objects are not behaving as I expect based on how I configured them. Here is an example I created in Visual Studio:

  1. Interface and concrete class to be substituted. Notice, MyConcreteClass.MyMethod() returns false:

    public interface IMyInterface
        bool MyMethod(string arg);
    public class MyConcreteClass : IMyInterface
        public bool MyMethod(string arg)
            return false;
  2. My class under test:

    public class MyTestedClass
        private IMyInterface _concrete;
        public MyTestedClass()
            _concrete = new MyConcreteClass();
        public MyTestedClass(IMyInterface mock)
            _concrete = mock;
        public bool MyConcreteMethod(string arg)
            return _concrete.MyMethod(arg);
  3. My unit test class for MyTestedClass:

    public class UnitTest1
        public void Given_MyMethodIsUsingAMock_ShouldReturnTrue()
            // Arrange
            var myMock = Substitute.For<IMyInterface>();
            var myTestedObject = new MyTestedClass(myMock);
            // Act
            var result = myTestedObject.MyConcreteMethod("blah blah");
            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(result, true); // This assertion fails!
        public void Given_MyMethodIsNotMock_ShouldReturnFalse()
            // Arrange
            var myTestedObject = new MyTestedClass();
            // Act
            var result = myTestedObject.MyConcreteMethod("blah blah");
            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(result, false); // This assertion passes.
  4. Test results show that Given_MyMethodIsUsingAMock_ShouldReturnTrue() fails:

    MyUnitTests (2 tests) [0:00.190] Failed: 1 test failed
     MyUnitTests (2 tests) [0:00.190] Failed: 1 test failed
      UnitTest1 (2 tests) [0:00.190] Failed: 1 test failed
       Given_MyMethodIsNotMock_ShouldReturnFalse [0:00.000] Success
       Given_MyMethodIsUsingAMock_ShouldReturnTrue [0:00.189] Failed
    Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<False>. Actual:<True>. 
       at MyUnitTests.UnitTest1.Given_MyMethodIsUsingAMock_ShouldReturnTrue() in "c:\MyWorkspace\projects\NSubstituteMocking\MyUnitTests\UnitTest1.cs":line 23

It looks like I'm missing a trivial configuration, but it is eluding me.


The MyMethod is arranged to return true when given "blah"


but is then provide it with "blah blah" when being acted upon.

var result = myTestedObject.MyConcreteMethod("blah blah");

As the expected/arranged parameter did not match, the mock did not behave as configured.

Provide the mock with what it expects to receive for it to behave as expected.

public void Given_Blah_MyConcreteMethod_ShouldReturnTrue() {
    // Arrange
    var myMock = Substitute.For<IMyInterface>();
    var arg = "blah";
    var expected = true;
    var myTestedObject = new MyTestedClass(myMock);

    // Act
    var actual = myTestedObject.MyConcreteMethod(arg);

    // Assert
    Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); // This should pass

Note the use of variables to store the provided and expected values so that mistakes can be reduced when exercising the test.