for example, when user creates an account, resets password etc.
First step is to set mail server credentials in LocalSettings.php file, as per this document:$wgSMTP#Example_using_Google_Mail
But after you do this, you will get "PEAR mail package is not installed" error message. How to solve this?
Turns out it's relatively simple:
- Make sure your mail server credentials are correct
- FTP to root folder and rename index.php into index.php.old - otherwise it gets overridden
- Install PEAR manager, using "Hosted website" workflow
- Rename pear.conf into pear.ini - otherwise you won't be able to start web manager
- Create .user.ini file in your root folder and add your physical path to pear into *include_path* variable - kudoz to this article:
Open web manager ( and install the following packages in PEAR (not sure if some of them are redundant but after I installed them, i was able to connect to GMAIL server)
- Auth_SASL
- Mail
- Mail_Mime
- Net_SMTP
Rename index.php into index.php.pear, and go-pear.php into go-pear.php.pear, and rename index.php.old back to index.php
Try to register - you should get an email