Create combinations in Excel VBA

2019-07-19 10:18发布


I've scoured the entire website trying to look for a macro (or function) that will create unique combinations from a given list in adjacent columns.

So basically, I have:

A  1  F1  R1  
B  2  F2  
C     F3  

And I'm trying to list all the information as (in the same worksheet and in different columns):

A 1 F1 R1  
A 1 F2 R1  
A 1 F3 R1  
A 2 F1 R1  
A 2 F2 R1  
A 2 F3 R1  
B 1 F1 R1  
B 1 F2 R1  
B 1 F3 R1  
B 2 F1 R1  
B 2 F2 R1  
B 2 F3 R1  

(added bonus for being able to toggle where the list is printed on the sheet)


The code to get all possible combinations as follows

Option Explicit

Sub Combinations()

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
    Dim a As Range, b As Range, c As Range, d As Range
    Dim x&, y&, z&, w&

    For x = 1 To ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        Set a = ws.Range("A" & x)
        For y = 1 To ws.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
            Set b = ws.Range("B" & y)
            For z = 1 To ws.Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
                Set c = Range("C" & z)
                For w = 1 To ws.Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
                    Set d = ws.Range("D" & w)
                    Debug.Print a & vbTab & b & vbTab & c & vbTab & d
                    Set d = Nothing
                Set c = Nothing
            Set b = Nothing
        Next y
        Set a = Nothing
    Next x

End Sub

and the output

A   1   F1  R1
A   1   F2  R1
A   1   F3  R1
A   2   F1  R1
A   2   F2  R1
A   2   F3  R1
B   1   F1  R1
B   1   F2  R1
B   1   F3  R1
B   2   F1  R1
B   2   F2  R1
B   2   F3  R1
C   1   F1  R1
C   1   F2  R1
C   1   F3  R1
C   2   F1  R1
C   2   F2  R1
C   2   F3  R1
D   1   F1  R1
D   1   F2  R1
D   1   F3  R1
D   2   F1  R1
D   2   F2  R1
D   2   F3  R1
E   1   F1  R1
E   1   F2  R1
E   1   F3  R1
E   2   F1  R1
E   2   F2  R1
E   2   F3  R1


There's a workbook at with both formula- and VBA-based methods to do that.


Try this VBA code:

Type tArray
    value As String
    count As Long
End Type

Sub combineAll()
    Dim sResult(10) As tArray, rRow(10) As Long, str() As String
    Dim sRow As Long, sCol As Long
    Dim i As Long, r As Long
    Dim resRows As Long
    sRow = 1: sCol = 1: r = 0

    With ActiveSheet
            rRow(sCol) = 1
            If (Trim(.Cells(sRow, sCol).value) = "") Then Exit Do
                If (Trim(.Cells(sRow, sCol).value) = "") Then Exit Do
                sResult(sCol).value = sResult(sCol).value & Trim(.Cells(sRow, sCol).value) & ";"
                sResult(sCol).count = sResult(sCol).count + 1
                sRow = sRow + 1
            sCol = sCol + 1
            sRow = 1

            r = r + 1
            For i = 1 To sCol - 1
                str = Split(sResult(i).value, ";")
                .Cells(r, sCol + i).value = str(rRow(i) - 1)
            Next i

            For i = sCol - 1 To 1 Step -1
                If rRow(i) < sResult(i).count Then
                    rRow(i) = rRow(i) + 1
                    Exit For
                    rRow(i) = 1
                End If
            Next i

            If rRow(1) >= sResult(1).count Then Exit Do

    End With

End Sub