I have a problem with a question mark parameter in a prepared statement using PDO. My Query class looks like this (for now, I'm still adding functionality like data limits, custom parameters filtering and automatic detection of supported statements for the driver being used):
// SQL query
class Query {
public $attributes;
// constructor for this object
public function __construct() {
if ($arguments = func_get_args()) {
$tmp = explode(" ", current($arguments));
if (in_array(mb_strtoupper(current($tmp)), ["ALTER", "DELETE", "DROP", "INSERT", "SELECT", "TRUNCATE", "UPDATE"], true)) {
// classify the query type
$this->attributes["type"] = mb_strtoupper(current($tmp));
// get the query string
$this->attributes["query"] = current($arguments);
// get the query parameters
if (sizeof($arguments) > 1) {
$this->attributes["parameters"] = array_map(function ($input) { return (is_array($input) ? implode(",", $input) : $input); }, array_slice($arguments, 1, sizeof($arguments)));
return $this;
This is the code fragment which executes the query:
$parameters = (!empty($this->attributes["queries"][$query]->attributes["parameters"]) ? $this->attributes["queries"][$query]->attributes["parameters"] : null);
if ($query = $this->attributes["link"]->prepare($this->attributes["queries"][$query]->attributes["query"], [\PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => \PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY])) {
if ($query->execute((!empty($parameters) ? $parameters : null))) {
return $query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
And this is how I call it in my test code:
$c1->addQuery("lists/product-range", "SELECT * FROM `oc_product` WHERE `product_id` IN (?);", [28, 29, 30, 46, 47]);
if ($products = $c1->execute("test2")) {
foreach ($products as $product) {
The problem I have is I just see the first product (it's a test against a vanilla OpenCart installation) with id 28. As you can see in my code, if the passed parameter is an array, it gets automatically detected by the lambda I have in place in the Query class constructor, so it gets rendered as a string like 28,29,30,46,47
Is there a missing parameter in PDO setup I'm missing? Or maybe there's some bug or platform limit in what I'm doing? I know there's some limitations on what PDO can do in regards to arrays, and that's why I pre-implode all arrays for them to be passed like a simple string.
There's some procedures I've seen here in SO which, basically, composes the query string like WHERE product_id IN ({$marks})
, where $marks
is being dynamically generated using a procedure like str_repeat("?", sizeof($parameters))
but that's not what I'm looking for (I could resort to that in case there's no known alternative, but it doesn't look like a very elegant solution).
My development environment is composed of: Windows 7 x64, PHP 5.4.13 (x86, thread-safe), Apache 2.4.4 (x86) and MySQL 5.6.10 x64.
Any hint would be greatly appreciated :)