Kendo Grid - Filter Row as kendoDropDown

2019-07-19 08:27发布


After posting question as answer here, I correct this by creating new question.

I'm trying to create row filter in kendo grid to appear as DropDown of possible values in that column. So far, closest I got is Pluc's example in linked question. Still it doesn't work as intended.

In columns of kendoGrid I defined a field like this:

    field: "Herkunft", 
    title: "Herkunft", 
    width: "120px", 
    type: "string", 
            showOperators: false, 
            template: herkunftDropDownEditor

This is herkunftDropDownEditor function:

function herkunftDropDownEditor(element) {
          autoBind: false,
          optionLabel: "--Select Value--",
          dataTextField: "Value",
          dataValueField: "Value",
          valuePrimitive: true,
          dataSource: herkunftDataSource

And datasource for the dropdownlist:

var herkunftDataSource = new{
    data: [
    { Value: "Choice One" },
    { Value: "Choice Two" }

It doesn't work. The JS error I get in Chrome is on the line:


error says: "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function". For some reason it can't use kendoDropDownList function.

What I also find confusing is the way Telerik use template in their example: template: "#=FirstName# #=LastName#" The way they do it is connecting the function to ui instead of template. I tried this approach also, calling ui: herkunftDropDownEditor instead of template: herkunftDropDownEditor. This way there is no error, but it doesn't work. The search field is still textbox. When I debug in Chrome, I see that argument element in the function is not even available.

No clue what I'm doing wrong.


I updated my answer in the link post.

Starting from 2014 Q2 SP1, the template function now receives an object containing "datasource" and "element".






It is probably problem with scope.

Is it MVVM app? Is Grid initialize from markup by declarative code? If so, you can stop compiling by debugger like this:

data-filterable='{mode: "row"}
                field: 'Herkunft', 
                filterable: {
                    cell: {
                            template: kendo.template($('#template').html())}

<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="template">

Code above stop kendo template compile and you can see actual scope in developer tool.

Maybe you should assign herkunftDropDownEditor function to window object.

window.myAppNameSpace.herkunftDropDownEditor = function(){...};

and in grid call it like this:

filterable: {
          cell: {
             template: myAppNameSpace.herkunftDropDownEditor