I'm working on a project and i need a triple-store database in cloud, which support SPARQL queries.
GraphDB looks good and works fine in my desktop computer (localhost). But, when I try to use it in the cloud (CloudDB), REST requisitions doesn't work.
Problem: I'm trying to query my repository using REST, by curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/sparql-results+xml'
Repository ID: hermesiot
Query: select * where {?s ?p ?o .} limit 100
Response Code: 404
Response Body: {"message":"Database not found."}
How to deploy GraphDB in cloud solutions, like Azure or another free solutions?
Many thanks :)
According to the official example, your query should be of this kind:
curl --header 'Accept: application/sparql-results+xml' \
--data "query=SELECT+*+{?s+?p+?o.}" \
--user s472kd733007:bhrfk1aa8o0qlj7 \
However, the query above does not work for me, whereas the query below does:
curl --header 'Accept: application/sparql-results+xml' \
--data "query=SELECT+*+{?s+?p+?o.}" \
--user s472kd733007:bhrfk1aa8o0qlj7 \
In the queries above:
— API key,
— API key secret,
— user id
— database name,
— repository id,
— AWS instance address.
Visit tabs in your dashboard in order to obtain applicable values of these parameters.
As for update queries, see e. g. this answer. Your query should be:
curl --header 'Accept: application/sparql-results+xml' \
--data "update=INSERT+DATA+{owl:Nothing+owl:Nothing+owl:Nothing}" \
--user s472kd733007:bhrfk1aa8o0qlj7 \
Please note that endpoint address in this request is different.