when i read an artical from learnyousomeerlang.com,I got a question. http://learnyousomeerlang.com/errors-and-processes
It says that:
Exception source:
exit(self(), kill)
Untrapped Result:
** exception exit: killed
Trapped Result:
** exception exit: killed
Oops, look at that. It seems like this one is actually impossible to trap. Let's check something.
but it does not comply with what I test with the code blow:
Pid=spawn_link(fun()->timer:sleep(3000),exit(self(),kill) end),
{_A,Pid,_B}->io:format("subinmain:~p output:~p~n",[Pid,{_A,Pid,_B}])
oupput is: **4> trapexit:self_kill_exit().
subinmain:<0.36.0> output:{'EXIT',<0.36.0>,killed}**
and does not comply with Trapped Result: ** exception exit: killed said before . which is right???