Drag and drop not working in C#

2019-07-19 06:52发布


I created a drag and drop control within C# to allow people to drop files onto my form. Here's the problem I'm having, it works fine when it's being debugged; however when running my program in administrator mode it doesn't work. Is there any reason for this?

Here's my code:

private void panel1_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
    if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) 
        e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;
        e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;

string startDir;

private void panel1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
    string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);
    dropZoneLabel.Text = "Adding files; please wait...";
    foreach (string file in files)
        bool isFolder = File.GetAttributes(file).HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory);
        if (isFolder)
            //Scan the folder for all files
            DirectoryOperations searchFolders = new DirectoryOperations();
            DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(file);
            foreach (FileInfo dropfile in searchFolders.FullDirList(di, "*"))
            startDir = di.FullName;
            //It's a file so add it as normal
    dropZoneLabel.Text = "Drop files or folders here";


Starting from Windows Vista because of User Interface Privilege Isolation you cannot drag and drop from an application running at lower integrity level to an application which runs on a higher level.

See this article for more details: Why Doesn’t Drag-and-Drop work when my Application is Running Elevated?