Spring Security JavaConfig: Configure required Cha

2019-07-19 07:32发布


I'm trying to serve all static resources (css, javascript and images) through any channel but can't get it to work in combination with .anyRequest().requiresInsecure():

public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    private String[] authUrls;
    private String[] securedUrls;

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

    // ...

When commenting out .anyRequest.requiresInsecure() it works.

I would like to serve specific pages with HTTPS, all other pages with HTTP and static resources with both.


In my app I need to have home urls unsecured (require http), and other to be secured (https only). I managed to do that by following the next order:


i.e. first goes rules, that permit (unsecure | both), then goes rules, that forbid (secure only).




.antMatchers("/resources/**", "/res/**").requires(ChannelDecisionManagerImpl.ANY_CHANNEL)

instead of


did the trick.