I have stumbled upon a problem where the Outlook items table sort method does not give desired results - despite the ascending or descending the method GetLast() always returns the same email item. Code as follows:
Application olApp = new Application();
NameSpace olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI");
MAPIFolder oFolder = olNS.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox);
Explorer oExp = oFolder.GetExplorer(false);
//olNS.Logon( false, true);
result = new IOActionResult(null);
var subject = oFolder.Items.GetLast().Subject;
I have tried specifying following:
oFolder.Items.Sort("[ReceivedTime]", true);
oFolder.Items.Sort("[ReceivedTime]", false);
oFolder.Items.Sort("[ReceivedTime]", OlSortOrder.olAscending);
oFolder.Items.Sort("[ReceivedTime]", OlSortOrder.olDescending);
Which did not seem to work either... Any thoughts appreciated!