Cities/Province/Cantons list with coords?

2019-07-19 03:55发布


where can I get a list of that? I need the coords of the distrits and cantons of Costa Rica, is there a place to get those?

thanks in advance

回答1: is a public database of all cities/towns with a population over 1000. The data for each city includes geo coordinates and administrative division, which I believe would be your districts, provinces or cantons.


Check out the Costa Rica link here - it may suit your needs.

I found it with this search:

Since you're using Python, you can read it using the csv module as described here:


The link left by David is to the National Geospatial-Intelligenace Agency (NGA) GEONet Server. This only has geodata for foriegn countries. For the US and its dependencies, the geocode data is maintained by the USGS in the GNIS Server at: