At the moment I'm looking into Angular2-alpha45.
In cause of a CORS-Problem I have to make a JSONP-Call. The problem is, that the call takes some time and i don't know how to wrap the answer into a promise.
I can wrap a regular http.get into a promise, but because of CORS this isn't a solution for my needs.
Working http.get example:
import {Jsonp, Http} from 'angular2/http';
// works
this.getPromise().then(result => {
getPromise(): Promise<Array> {
return this.http
.map((res) => {
return res.json()
Not Working Jsonp:
import {Jsonp, Http} from 'angular2/http';
// Doesn't work
this.getPromiseJsonp().then(result => {
getPromiseJsonp(): Promise<Array> {
// this.generateJsonpUrlDataGet2 generates the URL for call, URL is correct
// response is sent but without a promise
var url = this.generateJsonpUrlDataGet2('SingleUser', "test", '');
return this.jsonp.request(url).subscribe(res => {
// console.dir() get called!
return res._body;
Can anyone tell me how to wrap a Jsonp call into a promise?