I've been building a fairly simple app for a few weeks now, that pushes activity from my Fitbit Flex tracker to Google Fit. It's all very simple: it has created data sources, and uses those to push the last hour's calorie count, step count and distance to Google Fit. It also pushes my weight, should I log it using the Fitbit app.
Every hour, it pushes these three metrics in three different data sets, each with a single data point. For example: from 10:00 to 10:59, 451 steps. This works pretty well for all three of these metrics.
Once a day, a data set with a range of 00:00 to 23:59 sends my weight to Google Fit. This data set has one data point as well.
This system seems to work well enough for my step count and my calorie count. It is not perfect, because my step count is without any associated activities. But Google Fit receives the data successfully and stores it.
However, Google Fit does not seem to pick up on my reported weight. Nor does Google Fit seem to remember the distance as I submit it.
The data types I am using are:
- com.google.calories.expended
- com.google.distance.delta
- com.google.step_count.delta
- com.google.weight
The source code of my application is on Github: https://github.com/JC5/fitsync
Any tips or tricks? Is this something I could use the REST API for?