I can't find anything about this on the web. Is there a way to set the default view of Summernote (WYSIWYG jQuery text editor) to be the code/html view. I want to see directly the HTML code when landing on the form page.
Thank you
I can't find anything about this on the web. Is there a way to set the default view of Summernote (WYSIWYG jQuery text editor) to be the code/html view. I want to see directly the HTML code when landing on the form page.
Thank you
You can simulate a click on the codeview button (after summernote initialization), it works for me :
oninit: function() {
$("div.note-editor button[data-event='codeview']").click();
Not very elegant and I don't know if there is a proper way to do it but give this a try if you like:
From what I can tell, and I didn't look very hard, the codeview button does this:
You may discover that it does other things as well but this should put you on a workable path.
$('div.note-editor.codeview button').addClass('disabled');
$("div.note-editor.codeview button[data-event='codeview']").removeClass('disabled').addClass('active');
Well, you can use the init callback.
$('.summernote').on('summernote.init', function () {
height: 300,
placeholder: 'Paste content here...',
codemirror: {
theme: 'monokai'
From Summernote documentation:
After v0.7.0, every callbacks should be wrapped by callbacks object.
So, in order to work, the js should be like this:
callbacks: {
onInit: function() {
$("div.note-editor button.btn-codeview").click();