How to get TeamCity build version into unmanaged D

2019-07-19 01:30发布


I have a TeamCity build solution with managed (C#) and unmanaged (C++) projects. Is there a TeamCity utility out there similar to Assembly Info Patcher that will change the version numbers in the .rc files for unmanaged C++ DLL and OCX projects to match the build number?


No, teamcity doesn't have anything to update version of C++ dlls, you could however use StampVer.exe to update the version of C++ dlls. You'll need to download the exe and add a build to call the exe which will update the version of the C++ exe or dll.


Here's an alternative to StampVer that I ended up doing in PowerShell, which modifies the .rc files prior to the build. I wasn't comfortable with the StampVer constraints of pre-filling the version strings with sufficient space.

# Patch all of the given *.rc files and set
# the version strings for DLLs and OCX controls.

# Hand parse the arguments so we can separate them with spaces.
$files = @()

$previousArg = "__" 
foreach ($arg in $args)
    if ($previousArg -eq "-version")
        $version = $arg
    elseif ($previousArg -eq "__")
        $files += $arg
    $previousArg = $arg

Function PatchRCFiles([string]$version, [string[]]$files)
    # check the version number
    if ( $version -match "[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+" )
        echo "Patching all .rc files to version $version"

        # convert the version number to .rc format
        $rc_version = $version -replace "\.", ","
        $rc_version_spaced = $version -replace "\.", ", "

        # patch the files we found
        ForEach ($file In $files) 
            echo "Processing $file..."
            $content = (Get-Content $file)
            $content | 
            Foreach-Object {
                $_ -replace "^\s*FILEVERSION\s*[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+$", " FILEVERSION $rc_version" `
                   -replace "^\s*PRODUCTVERSION\s*[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+$", " PRODUCTVERSION $rc_version" `
                   -replace "(^\s*VALUE\s*`"FileVersion`",\s*)`"[0-9]+,\s*[0-9]+,\s*[0-9]+,\s*[0-9]+`"$", "`$1`"$rc_version_spaced`"" `
                   -replace "(^\s*VALUE\s*`"ProductVersion`",\s*)`"[0-9]+,\s*[0-9]+,\s*[0-9]+,\s*[0-9]+`"$", "`$1`"$rc_version_spaced`""
            }  | 
            Set-Content $file
        echo "The version must have four numbers separated by periods, e.g."

PatchRCFiles $version $files

The configuration in TeamCity then looks like this:

Just give the script a list of .rc files you want to tweak. This step must be run prior to the main build steps.