As a person has no experience before in unit testing and mocking, I followed beginner tutorials about JUnit with Mockito and I do some practice.
Now, I need to unit test some class methods which do basic database operations on a MySQL database. I don't want to make real changes on the database.
In my code:
@InjectMocks private DBConnection dbConnection;
@Mock private DBConnection mockDBConnection;
public void testDropTable() {
// dropTable() returns 0 if table dropped
int result = dbConnection.dropTable();
Assert.assertEquals(result, 0);
To verify(with assertEquals() ) result of the test, I am calling real dropTable() method, and it really drops table( Actually it is obvious, because I'm calling on real DBConnection instance)
Is there anyway to verify the methods like that, without accessing the real database? Or did I misunderstand the concept of Unit Testing and Mocking?
Imagine the following... You have two cars, one is a real car, another is a fake (mock) car. Now you get into the real car and drive off. Why do you expect not to move? You didn't do anything with the fake car, so even if you told it "Do not move if I start driving", this doesn't change the fact that the real car WILL move when you drive off.
Same thing here, you created a fake DBConnection and a real one. The real one will do whatever the real one does. The fake one can be configured to do different stuff, like you did with Mockito.when(...). But that doesn't change the behavior of the real one.
Your test is effectively meaningless, because your only choice here is to get rid of the mock, because it doesn't serve any meaningful purpose. You do not test a mock. What for? That's like creating a fake car and testing that - it doesn't tell you anything about the real car. You do not need to test the fake car to find out that it will do X if you told it to do X in that test.
There are two ways you can test your DBConnection class:
a) You can connect it to a database and check that it does what it should. This would, of course, be an integration test and not a unit test anymore. In some cases you can use a in-memory database like HSQLDB to speed up this test. But at least in the end you can be reasonably sure that your code does what it is supposed to be doing.
b) IF and only IF DBConnection has some objects internally that do the actual talking to the database, you can, perhaps, mock those and then test DBConnection. Of course, this only moves your problem to another layer, because then you aren't sure that those objects work - you will only know that DBConnection works IF those objects work. While this is good to know, it does not answer the question if your db code will work in the end.
In the end, you can only test db connections completely by connecting to a db. Everything else is not a complete test.
Why not consider using an in-memory database for your unit tests. Maybe using a DAO pattern to easily switch between real and in-memory.
Keep the actual database interaction layer thin as possible to ensure you abstract your logic away in separate classes, this makes testing much easier, as in this case you can mock the DB object and focus on testing your logic.
Also decide what you are testing, most likely you want to test your logic, not the logic of the 3rd party database connector, so focus your tests on that.
Consider a suite of Integration or System tests to test the applications features against a real database, should you require this level of testing, but for unit tests, in-memory should be fine.
The overall confidence of your app can be achieved using be a combination of unit and integration tests.
For the @Florian Schaetz's comment, do I need to do something like that:
public interface AuthenticatorInterface {
public boolean authenticateUser(String username, String password) throws EmptyCredentialsException;
public class AuthenticatorApplication {
private AuthenticatorInterface authenticator;
public AuthenticatorApplication(AuthenticatorInterface authenticator) {
this.authenticator = authenticator;
public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) throws NotAuthenticatedException {
boolean authenticated;
authenticated = this.authenticator.authenticateUser(username, password);
return authenticated;
public class AuthenticatorApplicationTest {
public void testAuthenticate() throws EmptyCredentialsException {
AuthenticatorInterface authenticatorMock;
AuthenticatorApplication authenticator;
String username = "username";
String password = "noncorrectpassword";
authenticatorMock = Mockito.mock(AuthenticatorInterface.class);
authenticator = new AuthenticatorApplication(authenticatorMock);
when(authenticatorMock.authenticateUser(username, password)).thenReturn(false);
boolean actual = authenticator.authenticate(username, password);