It`s a continuation of my previous question How to produce a lazy sequence by portion in clojure?
I want download data from a database by portions. Initially I download first 500 rows and then I send a request to fetch next 500 rows and so on until I receive all data from a server.
I wrote the code:
(jdbc/atomic conn
(with-open [cursor (jdbc/fetch-lazy conn [sql_query])]
(let [lazyseq (jdbc/cursor->lazyseq cursor)
counter (atom 1)]
(swap! lazyseq_maps assoc :session_id {:get_next? (chan 1) :over_500 (chan 1) :data []})
(>!! (:get_next? (:session_id @lazyseq_maps)) true)
(doseq [row lazyseq]
(swap! counter inc)
(when (<! (:get_next? (:session_id @lazyseq_maps)))
(swap! lazyseq_maps update-in [:session_id :data] conj row)
(if (not= 0 (mod @counter 500))
(>! (:get_next? (:session_id @lazyseq_maps)) true)
(>! (:over_500 (:session_id @lazyseq_maps)) true))))
(close! (:get_next? (:session_id @lazyseq_maps)))
(close! (:over_500 (:session_id @lazyseq_maps)))
(.close conn))
(when (<!! (:over_500 (:session_id @lazyseq_maps))) {:message "over 500 rows"
:id :session_id
:data (:data (:session_id @lazyseq_maps))}))))
I fetch rows with help of the doseq cycle. When doseq passed 500 rows I park the cycle (when (<! (:get_next? (:session_id @lazyseq_maps)))
and wait for a signal from outside to retrieve next 500 rows.
But here I have a problem. When I send the signal, the program throws error "Resultset is closed". I.e connection is closed outside with-open scope. But I don`t understand why, because go block is placed inside with-open scope. Can you help me solve the problem?