
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke: Cannot convert lambda to S

2019-01-13 12:07发布


I'm trying to call System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke. The signature of the method is this:

BeginInvoke(Delegate method, params object[] args)

I'm trying to pass it a Lambda instead of having to create a Delegate.

_dispatcher.BeginInvoke((sender) => { DoSomething(); }, new object[] { this } );

It's giving me a compiler error saying that I

can't convert the lambda to a System.Delegate.

The signature of the delegate takes an object as a parameter and returns void. My lambda matches this, yet it's not working. What am I missing?


Since the method takes a System.Delegate, you need to give it a specific type of delegate, declared as such. This can be done via a cast or a creation of the specified delegate via new DelegateType as follows:

     new Action<MyClass>((sender) => { DoSomething(); }),
     new object[] { this } 

Also, as SLaks points out, Dispatcher.BeginInvoke takes a params array, so you can just write:

     new Action<MyClass>((sender) => { DoSomething(); }),

Or, if DoSomething is a method on this object itself:

_dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(this.DoSomething));



_dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => DoSomething()));


Using Inline Lambda...

  //Write Code Here


If you reference System.Windows.Presentation.dll from your project and add using System.Windows.Threading then you can access an extension method that allows you to use the lambda syntax.

using System.Windows.Threading;


Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>


We create extension methods for this. E.g.

public static void BeginInvoke(this Control control, Action action)
    => control.BeginInvoke(action);

Now we can call it from within a form: this.BeginInvoke(() => { ... }).