为什么应用型仿函数有副作用,但仿函数不能?(Why can applicative functors

2019-07-18 22:16发布




Answer 1:

这个答案是有点过于简单化的,但如果我们定义副作用计算受着之前的计算,可以很容易地看到, Functor类型类是不够的副作用,只是因为没有办法把多个计算。

class Functor f where
    fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

函子能做的唯一的事情就是通过一些纯函数来改变计算的最终结果a -> b

然而,适用函子增加了两个新的功能, pure<*>

class Functor f => Applicative f where
    pure   :: a -> f a
    (<*>)  :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

所述<*>是至关重要的区别在这里,因为它允许我们链中的两个计算: f (a -> b)其产生的功能的计算)和fa的计算,提供了应用该函数的参数。 使用pure<*>它可以定义如

(*>) :: f a -> f b -> f b



Answer 2:

It is not true that Functors don't have effects. Every Applicative (and every Monad through WrappedMonad) is a Functor. The main difference is that Applicative and Monad give you tools how to work with those effects, how to combine them. Roughly

  • Applicative allows you to sequence effects and combine values inside.
  • Monad in addition allows you to determine a next effect according to the result of a previous one.

However Functor only allows you to modify the value inside, it doesn't give tools to do anything with the effect. So if something is just Functor and not Applicative, it doesn't mean it doesn't have effects. It just doesn't have a mechanism how to combine them in this way.

Update: As an example, consider

import Control.Applicative

newtype MyF r a = MyF (IO (r, a))

instance Functor (MyF r) where
    fmap f (MyF x) = MyF $ fmap (fmap f) x

This is clearly a Functor instance that carries effects. It's just that we don't have a way how to define operations with these effects that would comply to Applicative. Unless we impose some additional constraints on r, there is no way how to define an Applicative instance.

Answer 3:



data Color    = R    | G    | B
data ColorW a = Re a | Gr a | Bl a deriving (Functor)


data Free f a = Pure a | Free (f (Free f a))

liftF :: Functor f => f a -> Free f a
liftF = Free . fmap Pure

type ColorWriter = Free ColorW

red, blue, green :: a -> ColorWriter a
red   = liftF . Re
green = liftF . Gr
blue  = liftF . Bl


interpretColors :: ColorWriter a -> ([Color], a)
interpretColors (Pure a) = ([], a)
interpretColors (Free (Re next)) = let (colors, a) = interpretColors next
                                   in (R : colors, a)

所以,这是那种一招。 真的是“计算”正在由自由单子但计算量,隐藏的背景材料介绍,只由一函子介绍。 原来,你可以用任何数据类型做到这一点,它甚至不需要一个函子,但仿函数提供了构建它一个明确的办法。

Answer 4:

让我们先来命名的副作用 的影响 。 各种价值观可以有效果。 一个仿函数是一个类型,它允许你映射任何由效应产生了一个功能。

当一个函子是不是应用性它不允许你使用某种成分风格的影响。 让我们选择一个(人为)例如:

data Contrived :: * -> * where
    AnInt :: Int -> Contrived Int
    ABool :: Bool -> Contrived Bool
    None  :: Contrived a


instance Functor Contrived where
    fmap f (AnInt x) = AnInt (f x)
    fmap f (ABool x) = ABool (f x)
    fmap _ None      = None

然而,因为没有合理的执行pure ,所以这个类型不是一个适用函子。 它类似于Maybe ,它具有这样的效果可能没有结果值。 但你不能使用应用性组合程序撰写它。

文章来源: Why can applicative functors have side effects, but functors can't?