I have attribute contains pixels values. And i want to offset my gl_vertex with this attribute value.
The problem is that my gl_vertex is in world units and the offset\attribute is in pixels.
I can do it if i'm sending the screen size as uniforms and then convert the pixels to -1 to 1 values, and add it to the final gl_Position. But i don't want now to manage screen size events and sending it anyway every draw, every shader that i have.
It there any way to do it with some matrix play, or their inverses ?
To make it easier, I want to set the gl_Position to pixel 50,50.
vec4 myPixelValue = vec4(50,50,1,1);
gl_Position = <Something> * myPixelValue;
---- ADDITION ----
After I understood that it is not possible to do it without sending the shader the window size I decided to send the size. And I created this following vertex shader code
attribute vec2 spriteOffset;
uniform vec2 screenSize;
void main()
vec2 screenConvert = vec2(2.0 / screenSize.x, -2.0 / screenSize.y);
vec2 convertedPix = spriteOffset * screenConvert;
gl_Position = (gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex) + vec4(convertedPix, 0.0, 0.0);
This code is working only in 2D (Orthographic projection). but not on 3D. And there i'm having the problem now. I know i need to consider the Z value as well, but don't know how.
Anyone ?