Yesterday, I submitted my app for review, but I got this message from Apple:
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad iPhone running iOS 9.3.2 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.
Specifically, upon review we have found the application still experiences a loading issue and unable to review the application content.
My app uses ionic framework, how can I fix this problem?
I already used domain to access my server, but this problem still exists.
Yes. According to apple's policy , your application must supports IPV6. so, please check your application supports IPV6. Supporting IPv6 in iOS 9
To test, if your application supports IPV6 or not please check this ,
Supporting IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks
To check with creating follow this steps , which indicate on apple's page .
To set up a local IPv6 Wi-Fi network using your Mac
1) Make sure your Mac is connected to the Internet(with ethernet), but not through Wi-Fi.
2) Launch System Preferences from your Dock, LaunchPad, or the Apple menu.
3) Press the Option key and click Sharing. Don’t release the Option key yet. (don't forget to press option key)
4)Select Internet Sharing in the list of sharing services.
5)Release the Option key.
6)Select the Create NAT64 Network checkbox.
7)Choose the network interface that provides your Internet connection, such as Thunderbolt Ethernet or Only Ethernet.
8)Select the Wi-Fi checkbox.
9)Click Wi-Fi Options, and configure the network name and security options for your network.
10) Select the Internet Sharing checkbox to enable your local network.
11)When prompted to confirm you want to begin sharing, click Start
12) Now your mac mini is working as a hotspot and useing IPv6 NAT64 network
(looks like above image when hotspot created)
Now connect your iphone with your mac mini's hotspot. and Test your Application it's working properly or not.
I hope this answer is helpful you.
Edit :- Don't forget to add below frameworks.
1) WebKit
2) CFNetwork
You will find all the information on this link related to ipv6 policy. Supporting IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks
We also faced the same issue.
Just registered your website with any CDN like cloudFlare and your app will be approved next time no need to shift the whole site to any other server. This is the easiest way to get approval from app store.
I think Apple has something wrong with this error!
I have an app (ionic app) rejected 3 times (during Nov 2016) for the same error and lastly accepted without making any change related to IPv6!
You may need to check your app for startup errors if you think that you have nothing to do with IPv6.
By the way: I did not check IPv6 compatibility on my app, and even more the app - in its inner views - has a connection to a webpage that hosted on a shared host with no IPv6 support!!
Please note that sometimes the mobile app works in the test environment but not in the Apple own test environment. Following this and this link can be very helpful in determining what's the problem with apple rejections.
It is clearly stated that the test environment is not exactly the same