How to get fields in page layout

2019-07-18 18:41发布


Using the REST API in Salesforce, I want to get a list of the fields in a page layout. Does anyone have any idea how I do this?


You can't do this from the REST API, you can get it from the describeLayout call in the SOAP API.


As of API version 28.0 (Summer '13), you can get the page layouts using /sobjects/<object>/describe/layouts/<recordtypeid>, e.g. /services/data/v28.0/sobjects/Account/describe/layouts/012A00000004vpXIAQ


I'm not sure if the REST API can accomplish this, however you could use the Salesforce metadata API to do it.


You can do with rest api by calling object request.

curl https://***yourInstance*** -H "Authorization: Bearer token"