在实施VB6的String.Format()(Implementing String.Format(

2019-07-18 18:19发布

可以String.Format()在VB6中实现,至少它的足够接近的版本,在良好的醇编程” VB6的时候可能是有用的?

对VB6字符串处理性能再好的资源: http://www.aivosto.com/vbtips/stringopt2.html



Answer 1:


Public PADDING_CHAR As String

Public Function StringFormat(format_string As String, ParamArray values()) As String
'VB6 implementation of .net String.Format(), slightly customized.
'Tested with Office 2010 VBA (x64)

        Dim return_value As String
        Dim values_count As Integer

        'some error-handling constants:
        Const ERR_FORMAT_EXCEPTION As Long = vbObjectError Or 9001
        Const ERR_ARGUMENT_NULL_EXCEPTION As Long = vbObjectError Or 9002
        Const ERR_SOURCE As String = "StringFormat"
        Const ERR_MSG_INVALID_FORMAT_STRING As String = "Invalid format string."
        Const ERR_MSG_FORMAT_EXCEPTION As String = "The number indicating an argument to format is less than zero, or greater than or equal to the length of the args array."

        'use SPACE as default padding character
        If PADDING_CHAR = vbNullString Then PADDING_CHAR = Chr$(32)

        'figure out number of passed values:
        values_count = UBound(values) + 1

        Dim regex As RegExp
        Dim matches As MatchCollection
        Dim thisMatch As Match
        Dim thisString As String
        Dim thisFormat As String

        'when format_string starts with "@", escapes are not replaced 
        '(string is treated as a literal string with placeholders)        
        Dim useLiteral As Boolean 
        Dim escapeHex As Boolean 'indicates whether HEX specifier "0x" is to be escaped or not
        'validate string_format:
        Set regex = New RegExp
        regex.Pattern = "{({{)*(\w+)(,-?\d+)?(:[^}]+)?}(}})*"
        regex.IgnoreCase = True
        regex.Global = True
        Set matches = regex.Execute(format_string)

        'determine if values_count matches number of unique regex matches:
        Dim uniqueCount As Integer
        Dim tmpCSV As String
        For Each thisMatch In matches
            If Not StringContains(tmpCSV, thisMatch.SubMatches(1)) Then
                uniqueCount = uniqueCount + 1
                tmpCSV = tmpCSV & thisMatch.SubMatches(1) & ","
            End If

        'unique indices count must match values_count:
        If matches.Count > 0 And uniqueCount <> values_count Then _
            Err.Raise ERR_FORMAT_EXCEPTION, _

        useLiteral = StringStartsWith("@", format_string)

        'remove the "@" literal specifier
        If useLiteral Then format_string = Right(format_string, Len(format_string) - 1)

        If Not useLiteral And StringContains(format_string, "\\") Then _
            format_string = Replace(format_string, "\\", Chr$(27))

        If StringContains(format_string, "\\") Then _
            format_string = Replace(format_string, "\\", Chr$(27))

        If matches.Count = 0 And format_string <> vbNullString And UBound(values) = -1 Then
        'only format_string was specified: skip to checking escape sequences:
            return_value = format_string
            GoTo checkEscapes
        ElseIf UBound(values) = -1 And matches.Count > 0 Then
            Err.Raise ERR_ARGUMENT_NULL_EXCEPTION, _
        End If

        return_value = format_string

        'dissect format_string:

        Dim i As Integer, v As String, p As String 'i: iterator; v: value; p: placeholder
        Dim alignmentGroup As String, alignmentSpecifier As String
        Dim formattedValue As String, alignmentPadding As Integer

        'iterate regex matches (each match is a placeholder):
        For i = 0 To matches.Count - 1

            'get the placeholder specified index:
            Set thisMatch = matches(i)
            p = thisMatch.SubMatches(1)

            'if specified index (0-based) > uniqueCount (1-based), something's wrong:
            If p > uniqueCount - 1 Then _
                Err.Raise ERR_FORMAT_EXCEPTION, _
            v = values(p)

            'get the alignment specifier if it is specified:
            alignmentGroup = thisMatch.SubMatches(2)
            If alignmentGroup <> vbNullString Then _
                alignmentSpecifier = Right$(alignmentGroup, LenB(alignmentGroup) / 2 - 1)

            'get the format specifier if it is specified:
            thisString = thisMatch.Value
            If StringContains(thisString, ":") Then

                Dim formatGroup As String, precisionSpecifier As Integer
                Dim formatSpecifier As String, precisionString As String

                'get the string between ":" and "}":
                formatGroup = Mid$(thisString, InStr(1, thisString, ":") + 1, (LenB(thisString) / 2) - 2)
                formatGroup = Left$(formatGroup, LenB(formatGroup) / 2 - 1)

                precisionString = Right$(formatGroup, LenB(formatGroup) / 2 - 1)
                formatSpecifier = Mid$(thisString, InStr(1, thisString, ":") + 1, 1)

                'applicable formatting depends on the type of the value (yes, GOTO!!):
                If TypeName(values(p)) = "Date" Then GoTo DateTimeFormatSpecifiers
                If v = vbNullString Then GoTo ApplyStringFormat

                If precisionString <> vbNullString And Not IsNumeric(precisionString) Then _
                    Err.Raise ERR_FORMAT_EXCEPTION, _

                If precisionString = vbNullString Then precisionString = 0

                Select Case formatSpecifier

                    Case "C", "c" 'CURRENCY format, formats string as currency.
                    'Precision specifier determines number of decimal digits.
                    'This implementation ignores regional settings
                    '(hard-coded group separator, decimal separator and currency sign).

                    precisionSpecifier = CInt(precisionString)
                    thisFormat = "#,##0.$"

                    If LenB(formatGroup) > 2 And precisionSpecifier > 0 Then 
                        'if a non-zero precision is specified...
                        thisFormat = _
                        Replace$(thisFormat, ".", "." & String$(precisionString, Chr$(48)))
                    End If

                    Case "D", "d" 'DECIMAL format, formats string as integer number.
                    'Precision specifier determines number of digits in returned string.

                    precisionSpecifier = CInt(precisionString)
                    thisFormat = "0"
                    thisFormat = Right$(String$(precisionSpecifier, "0") & thisFormat, _
                        IIf(precisionSpecifier = 0, Len(thisFormat), precisionSpecifier))

                    Case "E", "e" 'EXPONENTIAL NOTATION format (aka "Scientific Notation")
                    'Precision specifier determines number of decimals in returned string.
                    'This implementation ignores regional settings'
                    '(hard-coded decimal separator).

                    precisionSpecifier = CInt(precisionString)
                    thisFormat = "0.00000#" & formatSpecifier & "-#" 'defaults to 6 decimals

                    If LenB(formatGroup) > 2 And precisionSpecifier > 0 Then
                        'if a non-zero precision is specified...
                        thisFormat = "0." & String$(precisionSpecifier - 1, Chr$(48)) & "#" & formatSpecifier & "-#"

                    ElseIf LenB(formatGroup) > 2 And precisionSpecifier = 0 Then
                        Err.Raise ERR_FORMAT_EXCEPTION, _
                            ERR_SOURCE, ERR_MSG_INVALID_FORMAT_STRING
                    End If

                    Case "F", "f" 'FIXED-POINT format
                    'Precision specifier determines number of decimals in returned string.
                    'This implementation ignores regional settings'
                    '(hard-coded decimal separator).

                    precisionSpecifier = CInt(precisionString)
                    thisFormat = "0"
                    If LenB(formatGroup) > 2 And precisionSpecifier > 0 Then
                        'if a non-zero precision is specified...
                        thisFormat = (thisFormat & ".") & String$(precisionSpecifier, Chr$(48))
                        'no precision specified - default to 2 decimals:
                        thisFormat = "0.00"
                    End If

                    Case "G", "g" 'GENERAL format (recursive)
                    'returns the shortest of either FIXED-POINT or SCIENTIFIC formats in case of a Double.
                    'returns DECIMAL format in case of a Integer or Long.

                    Dim eNotation As String, ePower As Integer, specifier As String
                    precisionSpecifier = IIf(CInt(precisionString) > 0, CInt(precisionString), _
                        IIf(StringContains(v, "."), Len(v) - InStr(1, v, "."), 0))

                    'track character case of formatSpecifier:
                    specifier = IIf(formatSpecifier = "G", "D", "d")

                    If TypeName(values(p)) = "Integer" Or TypeName(values(p)) = "Long" Then
                        'Integer types: use {0:D} (recursive call):
                        formattedValue = StringFormat("{0:" & specifier & "}", values(p))

                    ElseIf TypeName(values(p)) = "Double" Then
                        'Non-integer types: use {0:E}
                        specifier = IIf(formatSpecifier = "G", "E", "e")

                        'evaluate the exponential notation value (recursive call):
                        eNotation = StringFormat("{0:" & specifier & "}", v)

                        'get the power of eNotation:
                        ePower = Mid$(eNotation, InStr(1, UCase$(eNotation), "E-") + 1, Len(eNotation) - InStr(1, UCase$(eNotation), "E-"))

                        If ePower > -5 And Abs(ePower) < precisionSpecifier Then
                            'use {0:F} when ePower > -5 and abs(ePower) < precisionSpecifier:
                            'evaluate the floating-point value (recursive call):
                             specifier = IIf(formatSpecifier = "G", "F", "f")
                             formattedValue = StringFormat("{0:" & formatSpecifier & _
                                 IIf(precisionSpecifier <> 0, precisionString, vbNullString) & "}", values(p))
                            'fallback to {0:E} if previous rule didn't apply:
                            formattedValue = eNotation
                        End If

                    End If

                    GoTo AlignFormattedValue 'Skip the "ApplyStringFormat" step, it's applied already.

                    Case "N", "n" 'NUMERIC format, formats string as an integer or decimal number.
                    'Precision specifier determines number of decimal digits.
                    'This implementation ignores regional settings'
                    '(hard-coded group and decimal separators).

                    precisionSpecifier = CInt(precisionString)
                    If LenB(formatGroup) > 2 And precisionSpecifier > 0 Then
                        'if a non-zero precision is specified...
                        thisFormat = "#,##0"
                        thisFormat = (thisFormat & ".") & String$(precisionSpecifier, Chr$(48))

                    Else 'only the "D" is specified
                        thisFormat = "#,##0"
                    End If

                    Case "P", "p" 'PERCENT format. Formats string as a percentage.
                    'Value is multiplied by 100 and displayed with a percent symbol.
                    'Precision specifier determines number of decimal digits.

                    thisFormat = "#,##0%"
                    precisionSpecifier = CInt(precisionString)
                    If LenB(formatGroup) > 2 And precisionSpecifier > 0 Then
                        'if a non-zero precision is specified...
                        thisFormat = "#,##0"
                        thisFormat = (thisFormat & ".") & String$(precisionSpecifier, Chr$(48))

                    Else 'only the "P" is specified
                        thisFormat = "#,##0"
                    End If

                    'Append the percentage sign to the format string:
                    thisFormat = thisFormat & "%"

                    Case "R", "r" 'ROUND-TRIP format (a string that can round-trip to an identical number)
                    'example: ?StringFormat("{0:R}", 0.0000000001141596325677345362656)
                    '         ...returns "0.000000000114159632567735"

                    'convert value to a Double (chop off overflow digits):
                    v = CDbl(v)

                    Case "X", "x" 'HEX format. Formats a string as a Hexadecimal value.
                    'Precision specifier determines number of total digits.
                    'Returned string is prefixed with "&H" to specify Hex.

                    v = Hex(v)
                    precisionSpecifier = CInt(precisionString)

                    If LenB(precisionString) > 0 Then 'precision here stands for left padding
                        v = Right$(String$(precisionSpecifier, "0") & v, IIf(precisionSpecifier = 0, Len(v), precisionSpecifier))
                    End If

                    'add C# hex specifier, apply specified casing:
                    '(VB6 hex specifier would cause Format() to reverse the formatting):
                    v = "0x" & IIf(formatSpecifier = "X", UCase$(v), LCase$(v))

                    Case Else

                        If IsNumeric(formatSpecifier) And val(formatGroup) = 0 Then
                            formatSpecifier = formatGroup
                            v = Format(v, formatGroup)
                            Err.Raise ERR_FORMAT_EXCEPTION, _
                                ERR_SOURCE, ERR_MSG_INVALID_FORMAT_STRING
                        End If
                End Select

                GoTo ApplyStringFormat

                Select Case formatSpecifier

                    Case "c", "C" 'CUSTOM date/time format
                    'let VB Format() parse precision specifier as is:
                        thisFormat = precisionString

                    Case "d" 'SHORT DATE format
                        thisFormat = "ddddd" 

                    Case "D" 'LONG DATE format
                        thisFormat = "dddddd"

                    Case "f" 'FULL DATE format (short)
                        thisFormat = "dddddd h:mm AM/PM"

                    Case "F" 'FULL DATE format (long)
                        thisFormat = "dddddd ttttt"

                    Case "g"
                        thisFormat = "ddddd hh:mm AM/PM"

                    Case "G"
                        thisFormat = "ddddd ttttt"

                    Case "s" 'SORTABLE DATETIME format
                        thisFormat = "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"

                    Case "t" 'SHORT TIME format
                        thisFormat = "hh:mm AM/PM"

                    Case "T" 'LONG TIME format
                        thisFormat = "ttttt"

                    Case Else
                        Err.Raise ERR_FORMAT_EXCEPTION, _
                            ERR_SOURCE, ERR_MSG_INVALID_FORMAT_STRING
                End Select
                GoTo ApplyStringFormat

            End If

            'apply computed format string:
            formattedValue = Format(v, thisFormat)

            'apply specified alignment specifier:
            If alignmentSpecifier <> vbNullString Then

                alignmentPadding = Abs(CInt(alignmentSpecifier))
                If CInt(alignmentSpecifier) < 0 Then
                    'negative: left-justified alignment
                    If alignmentPadding - Len(formattedValue) > 0 Then _
                        formattedValue = formattedValue & _
                            String$(alignmentPadding - Len(formattedValue), PADDING_CHAR)
                    'positive: right-justified alignment
                    If alignmentPadding - Len(formattedValue) > 0 Then _
                        formattedValue = String$(alignmentPadding - Len(formattedValue), PADDING_CHAR) & formattedValue
                End If
            End If

            'Replace C# hex specifier with VB6 hex specifier, 
            'only if hex specifier was introduced in this function:
            If (Not useLiteral And escapeHex) And _
                StringContains(formattedValue, "0x") Then _
            formattedValue = Replace$(formattedValue, "0x", "&H")

            'replace all occurrences of placeholder {i} with their formatted values:
            return_value = Replace(return_value, thisString, formattedValue, Count:=1)

            'reset before reiterating:
            thisFormat = vbNullString

        'if there's no more backslashes, don't bother checking for the rest:
        If useLiteral Or Not StringContains(return_value, "\") Then GoTo normalExit

        Dim escape As New EscapeSequence
        Dim escapes As New Collection
        escapes.Add escape.Create("\n", vbNewLine), "0"
        escapes.Add escape.Create("\q", Chr$(34)), "1"
        escapes.Add escape.Create("\t", vbTab), "2"
        escapes.Add escape.Create("\a", Chr$(7)), "3"
        escapes.Add escape.Create("\b", Chr$(8)), "4"
        escapes.Add escape.Create("\v", Chr$(13)), "5"
        escapes.Add escape.Create("\f", Chr$(14)), "6"
        escapes.Add escape.Create("\r", Chr$(15)), "7"

        For i = 0 To escapes.Count - 1
            Set escape = escapes(CStr(i))
            If StringContains(return_value, escape.EscapeString) Then _
                return_value = Replace(return_value, escape.EscapeString, escape.ReplacementString)

            If Not StringContains(return_value, "\") Then _
                GoTo normalExit

        'replace "ASCII (oct)" escape sequence
        Set regex = New RegExp
        regex.Pattern = "\\(\d{3})"
        regex.IgnoreCase = True
        regex.Global = True
        Set matches = regex.Execute(format_string)

        Dim char As Long
        If matches.Count <> 0 Then
            For Each thisMatch In matches
                p = thisMatch.SubMatches(0)
                '"p" contains the octal number representing the ASCII code we're after:
                p = "&O" & p 'prepend octal prefix
                char = CLng(p)
                return_value = Replace(return_value, thisMatch.Value, Chr$(char))
        End If

        'if there's no more backslashes, don't bother checking for the rest:
        If Not StringContains("\", return_value) Then GoTo normalExit

        'replace "ASCII (hex)" escape sequence
        Set regex = New RegExp
        regex.Pattern = "\\x(\w{2})"
        regex.IgnoreCase = True
        regex.Global = True
        Set matches = regex.Execute(format_string)

        If matches.Count <> 0 Then
            For Each thisMatch In matches
                p = thisMatch.SubMatches(0)
                '"p" contains the hex value representing the ASCII code we're after:
                p = "&H" & p 'prepend hex prefix
                char = CLng(p)
                return_value = Replace(return_value, thisMatch.Value, Chr$(char))
        End If

        Set escapes = Nothing
        Set escape = Nothing
        If Not useLiteral And StringContains(return_value, Chr$(27)) Then _
            return_value = Replace(return_value, Chr$(27), "\")
        StringFormat = return_value
End Function

注意ParamArray方法签名(感谢@wqw):这样做备件的多个可选参数的使用(和使用漏洞与能够分配value2不分配value1的调用语句命名参数时)。 因为它是一个ParamArray ,个体值是Variant ,这意味着每一个参数可以是不同类型的,VB是做幕后的字符串转换。


?StringFormat("(C) Currency: . . . . . . . . {0:C}\n" & _
    "(D) Decimal:. . . . . . . . . {0:D}\n" & _
    "(E) Scientific: . . . . . . . {1:E}\n" & _
    "(F) Fixed point:. . . . . . . {1:F}\n" & _
    "(N) Number: . . . . . . . . . {0:N}\n" & _
    "(P) Percent:. . . . . . . . . {1:P}\n" & _
    "(R) Round-trip: . . . . . . . {1:R}\n" & _
    "(X) Hexadecimal:. . . . . . . {0:X}\n",-123, -123.45)


(C) Currency: . . . . . . . . -123.00$
(D) Decimal:. . . . . . . . . -123
(E) Scientific: . . . . . . . -1.23450E2
(F) Fixed point:. . . . . . . -123
(N) Number: . . . . . . . . . -123
(P) Percent:. . . . . . . . . -12,345%
(R) Round-trip: . . . . . . . -123.45
(X) Hexadecimal:. . . . . . . &HFFFFFF85


?StringFormat("(c) Custom format: . . . . . .{0:cYYYY-MM-DD (MMMM)}\n" & _
    "(d) Short date: . . . . . . . {0:d}\n" & _
    "(D) Long date:. . . . . . . . {0:D}\n" & _
    "(T) Long time:. . . . . . . . {0:T}\n" & _
    "(f) Full date/short time: . . {0:f}\n" & _
    "(F) Full date/long time:. . . {0:F}\n" & _
    "(s) Sortable: . . . . . . . . {0:s}\n", Now())


(c) Custom format: . . . . . .2013-01-26 (January)
(d) Short date: . . . . . . . 1/26/2013
(D) Long date:. . . . . . . . Saturday, January 26, 2013
(T) Long time:. . . . . . . . 8:28:11 PM
(f) Full date/short time: . . 1/26/2013 8:28:11 PM
(F) Full date/long time:. . . Saturday, January 26, 2013 8:28:11 PM
(s) Sortable: . . . . . . . . 2013-01-26T20:28:11


?StringFormat ("\q{0}, {1}!\x20\n'{2,10:C2}'\n'{2,-10:C2}'", "hello", "world", 100)

"hello, world!"
'   100.00$'
'100.00$   '

看着从样品http://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/b1csw23d(v=vs.80).aspx ,只有少数格式说明没有实现,主要是日期/时间说明符...但我会认为“C”自定义日期/时间格式说明符使得它。


Public Function StringContains(string_source As String, find_text As String, _
    Optional ByVal caseSensitive As Boolean = True) As Boolean
    StringContains = StringContainsAny(string_source, caseSensitive, find_text)
End Function

编辑:该代码可以正确处理“\\”逃脱,如在评论中提到。 此外,虽然StringContains肯定是实用的,并给出了更舒适的阅读比InStr()调用,下面StringContainsAny功能,甚至更好:

Public Function StringContainsAny(string_source As String, ByVal caseSensitive As Boolean, _
    ParamArray find_values()) As Boolean

    Dim i As Integer, found As Boolean
    If caseSensitive Then
        For i = LBound(find_values) To UBound(find_values)
            found = (InStr(1, string_source, _
                find_values(i), vbBinaryCompare) <> 0)
            If found Then Exit For
        For i = LBound(find_values) To UBound(find_values)
            StringContainsAny = (InStr(1, LCase$(string_source), _ 
                LCase$(find_values(i)),   vbBinaryCompare) <> 0)
            If found Then Exit For
    End If
    StringContainsAny = found
End Function


foo = Instr(1, source, "value1") > 0 Or Instr(1, source, "value2") > 0 _
   Or Instr(1, source, "value3") > 0 Or Instr(1, source, "value4") > 0 _
   Or Instr(1, source, "value5") > 0 Or Instr(1, source, "value6") > 0 _

之前VB可确定是否fooTRUEFALSE ,每一个InStr()调用。 然而,随着StringContainsAny()满足条件时与被发现的第一个值,这使得它更快的声明。

编辑:上编辑几乎全军覆没转义序列; 恢复他们,用小班“EscapeSequence”暴露两个属性和一个工厂方法 - 这样做可以保持for-each循环和处理所有简单的逃脱,而无需复制大量代码。


Public Function StringStartsWith(ByVal find_text As String, ByVal string_source As String, Optional ByVal caseSensitive As Boolean = True) As Boolean

    If caseSensitive Then
        StringStartsWith = (Left$(string_source, LenB(find_text) / 2) = find_text)
        StringStartsWith = (Left$(LCase(string_source), LenB(find_text) / 2) = LCase$(find_text))
    End If

End Function

文章来源: Implementing String.Format() in VB6