Hey everyone!
I'm new to using R, and became interested in using it after having a team member give a tutorial of how useful it can be in an academic setting.
I am trying to write a script to automatically read my data from multiple files and then plot the resultant graphs to multiple files, so that they can be easily added to a manuscript (PowerPoint, latex, etc.)
I have found that the following code will allow me to produce a graph
p = qplot(factor(step), y, data=x, colour=c))
p = p + theme_bw()
# etc...
wrapping this around a png
call will allow me to output the plot to a PNG:
p = qplot(factor(step), y, data=x, colour=c))
p = p + theme_bw()
# etc...
I wanted to put the graph creation into a function so that I can create graphs and consequent seperate PNGs. So I put everything into a function:
func <- function()
p = qplot(factor(step), y, data=x, colour=c))
p = p + theme_bw()
# etc...
If I call func()
A PNG is created, but it is empty. Is there any specific reason why I can do this without the function but can't when I'm calling it from a function?