I need to plot an exponential species-area relationship using the exponential form of a weighted log-log linear model, where mean species number per location/Bank (sb$NoSpec.mean
) is weighted by the variance in species number per year (sb$NoSpec.var
I am able to plot the fit, but have issues figuring out how to plot the confidence intervals around this fit. The following is the best I have come up with so far. Any advice for me?
# Data
df <- read.csv("YearlySpeciesCount_SizeGroups.csv")
sb <- summaryBy(NoSpec ~ Short + Area + Regime + SizeGrp, df,
FUN=c(mean,var, length))
# Plot to fill
plot(S ~ A, xlab = "Bank Area (km2)", type = "n", ylab = "Species count",
ylim = c(min(S), max(S)))
text(A, S, label = Pisc$Short, col = 'black')
# The Arrhenius model
gg <- data.frame(S=S, A=A, W=W)
mloglog <- lm(log(S) ~ log(A), weights = 1 / (log10(W + 1)), data = gg)
# Add exponential fit to plot (this works well)
lines(xtmp, exp(predict(mloglog, newdata = data.frame(A = xtmp))),
lty=1, lwd=2)
Now I want to add confidence bands... This is where I'm finding issues...
## predict using original model.. get standard errors
pp<-data.frame(A = xtmp)
p <- predict(mloglog, newdata = pp, se.fit = TRUE)
pp$fit <- p$fit
pp$se <- p$se.fit
## Calculate lower and upper bounds for each estimate using standard error * 1.96
pp$upr95 <- pp$fit + (1.96 * pp$se)
pp$lwr95 <- pp$fit - (1.96 * pp$se)
But I am not sure whether the following is correct. I couldn't find any answers that didn't involve ggplot
when searching google / stack overflow / cross validated.
## Create new linear models to create a fitted line given upper and lower bounds?
upr <- lm(log(upr95) ~ log(A), data=pp)
lwr <- lm(log(lwr95) ~ log(A), data=pp)
lines(xtmp, exp(predict(upr, newdata=pp)), lty=2, lwd=1)
lines(xtmp, exp(predict(lwr, newdata=pp)), lty=2, lwd=1)
Thanks in advance for any help!