As has been known for a while (see, e.g., this old question, and bug reports that pop when you google this), clock_gettime() doesn't appear to report back time monotonically. To rule out any silly error I might have overseen, here is the relevant code (excerpt from larger program):
<include time.h>
long nano_1, nano_2;
double delta;
struct timespec tspec, *tspec_ptr;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, tspec_ptr);
nano_1 = tspec.tv_nsec;
sort_selection(sorted_ptr, n);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, tspec_ptr);
nano_2 = tspec.tv_nsec;
delta = (nano_2 - nano_1)/1000000.0;
printf("\nSelection sort took %g micro seconds.\n", (double) delta);
Sorting small arrays (about 1,000 elements) reports plausible times. When I sort larger ones (10,000+) using 3 sort algorithms, 1-2 of the 3 report back negative sort time. I tried all clock types mentioned in the man page, not only CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW - no change.
(1) Anything I overlooked in my code?
(2) Is there an alternative to clock_gettime() that measures time in increments more accurate than seconds? I don't need nanonseconds, but seconds is too coarse to really help.
- Ubuntu 12.04.
- kernel 3.2.0-30
- gcc 4.6.3.
- libc version 2.15
- compiled with -lrt