Consider the following TestDb with TestTable and Procedure
USE TestDb
--DROP TABLE dbo.TestTable
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.tables WHERE name = 'TestTable')
CREATE TABLE dbo.TestTable
, StringValue varchar(50) NULL
, DateValue date NULL
, DateTimeValue datetime NULL
, MoneyValue money NULL
, DecimalValue decimal(19,4) NULL
, IntValue int NULL
, BitValue bit NOT NULL
INSERT INTO dbo.TestTable
SELECT 'Test', CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE), GETDATE(), 100.15, 100.0015, 100, 1
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.procedures WHERE name = 'Get_TestTable')
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.Get_TestTable
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Get_TestTable (@RecordId int = NULL) AS WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:30'; SELECT * FROM dbo.TestTable WHERE RecordId = ISNULL(@RecordId,RecordId);
EXEC dbo.Get_TestTable @RecordId = NULL
When using WebMatrix built-in database query helper, you can do the following:
string errorMessage = String.Empty;
int? RecordId = null;
IEnumerable<dynamic> rowsTestTable = null;
using (Database db = Database.Open("TestDb"))
rowsTestTable = db.Query("EXEC dbo.Get_TestTable @RecordId=@0",RecordId);
catch (Exception ex)
errorMessage = ex.Message;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
@if(errorMessage == String.Empty)
<table border="1">
@foreach(var row in rowsTestTable)
<td>@if(@row["DateValue"] != null){@Html.Raw(String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}",@row["DateValue"]));}</td>
<td>@if(@row["DateTimeValue"] != null){@Html.Raw(String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff tt}",@row["DateTimeValue"]));}</td>
<td>@if(@row["MoneyValue"] != null){@Html.Raw(String.Format("{0:c}",@row["MoneyValue"]));}</td>
<h4>No Additional Problem - On handling of DateValue</h4>
foreach(var row in rowsTestTable)
<p>@if(row.DateValue != null){@Html.Raw(DateTime.Parse(row.DateValue.ToString()))}</p>
catch (Exception ex)
<h4>No Additional Problem - On handling of MoneyValue (and other number values)</h4>
foreach(var row in rowsTestTable)
<p>@if(row.MoneyValue != null){@Html.Raw(Double.Parse(row.MoneyValue.ToString()))}</p>
catch (Exception ex)
This gives a Timeout expired error because the WebMatrix Database.Query helper has fixed default 30 second CommandTimeout. Is there any way to override the default for an individual query to something like 5 minutes?
Not having found a solution, I went down the road of creating my own SimpleQuery helper based on numerous searches and trying out things until I finally found a code reference that I was able to understand and adapt.
using System.Collections.Generic; // IEnumerable<dynamic>
using System.Data; // IDataRecord
using System.Data.SqlClient; // SqlConnection
using System.Dynamic; // DynamicObject
public class SimpleQuery
public static IEnumerable<dynamic> Execute(string connectionString, string commandString, int commandTimeout)
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (var command = new SqlCommand(commandString, connection))
command.CommandTimeout = commandTimeout;
using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
foreach (IDataRecord record in reader)
yield return new DataRecordDynamicWrapper(record);
public class DataRecordDynamicWrapper : DynamicObject
private IDataRecord _dataRecord;
public DataRecordDynamicWrapper(IDataRecord dataRecord) { _dataRecord = dataRecord; }
public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
result = _dataRecord[binder.Name];
return result != null;
So now with the changes to the web-code to use the new SimpleQuery helper, I can get almost equivalent results, but with some problems
string errorMessage = String.Empty;
int? RecordId = null;
IEnumerable<dynamic> rowsTestTable = null;
string commandString = String.Format("dbo.Get_TestTable @RecordId={0}", RecordId == null ? "null" : RecordId.ToString()); // Problem 1: Have to use String.Format to embed the Parameters
rowsTestTable = SimpleQuery.Execute(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TestDb"].ConnectionString,commandString,300);
foreach(var row in rowsTestTable) { break; } // Problem 2: Have to force query execution here, so the error (if any) gets trapped here
catch (Exception ex)
errorMessage = ex.Message;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
@if(errorMessage == String.Empty)
<table border="1">
@foreach(var row in rowsTestTable)
@*<td>@row["RecordId"]</td>*@ <!-- Problem 3: Can't reference as row["FieldName"], so if any field names have spaces or other special characters, can't reference -->
<td>@if(@row.DateValue != null){@Html.Raw(String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}",@row.DateValue));}</td>
<td>@if(@row.DateTimeValue != null){@Html.Raw(String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff tt}",@row.DateTimeValue));}</td>
<td>@if(@row.MoneyValue != null){@Html.Raw(String.Format("{0:c}",@row.MoneyValue));}</td>
<h4>Additional Problem - Unexpected handling of DateValue</h4>
foreach(var row in rowsTestTable)
<p>@if(row.DateValue != null){@Html.Raw(DateTime.Parse(row.DateValue.ToString()))}</p>
catch (Exception ex)
<h4>Additional Problem - Unexpected handling of MoneyValue (and other number values)</h4>
foreach(var row in rowsTestTable)
<p>@if(row.MoneyValue != null){@Html.Raw(Double.Parse(row.MoneyValue.ToString()))}</p>
catch (Exception ex)
Problem 1-3 are commented in the second web-code which is using the SimpleQuery helper. These I can work around, but what I am still struggling with is why the NULL check isn't detected for the Number and Date values.
I would appreciate help to properly detect those, so I can avoid the subsequent error when using Double.Parse or DateTime.Parse. I would also appreciate any general pointers/improvements for either the SimpleQuery helper, or anything else you see.
Thanks in advance.