Mockito: Is validation of framework usage enabled

2019-07-18 10:46发布


We are using Testng 6.8.8 + Mockito 1.10.19 and, obviously we can't use MockitoJUnitRunner, but the validation framework still works! In this thread I read that it should not be the case. Can someone explain? Is this because we still have @Before* callbacks and MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this)?

My code:

public class MealTransformerTest {

MealTransformer mealTransformer = new MealTransformer();

@Test(expectedExceptions = NotImplementedException.class)
public void shouldThrowException() throws NotImplementedException {

} Nothing fails in this specific test, but when I run the suite, Mockito will tell me about incorrect use of matchers.

I can also do something like:

public class MealTransformerTest {

MealTransformer mealTransformer = new MealTransformer();

//I don't need it in the tests. But I need at least 1 @Mock or @Spy to trigger framework validation
private CloneUtils cloneUtils;

void setUp() {

@Test(expectedExceptions = NotImplementedException.class)
public void shouldThrowException() throws NotImplementedException {

@Test(expectedExceptions = NotImplementedException.class)
public void shouldThrowException123() throws NotImplementedException {

I receive:

Misplaced argument matcher detected here:

Don't get me wrong, I really like how it works, but I was surprised to see it without @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class).


Matchers work via side-effects and static global state, so you can break this call into pieces to see what's happening.

// in @Before [1]

mealTransformer.transform(any(), any(), any(), any());
//              [6]       [2]    [3]    [4]    [5]

After init [1], Java sees four calls to any [2-5] and one call to transform [6]. Mockito, however, only sees the four calls to any; Because mealTransformer is not a mock, Mockito can't see its calls. If you ran that test in isolation, Mockito would be left with four recorded matchers that are not consumed. The JVM would tear down the test framework, and the test would pass—unless you have a call to validateMockitoUsage in an @After method, which would catch exactly that case.

When you have two tests, however, they stack up like this:

// [1]
mealTransformer.transform(any(), any(), any(), any());
//              [6]       [2]    [3]    [4]    [5]
// test passes! now the next test
// [7]
mealTransformer.transform(any(), any(), any(), any());
//              [12]      [8]    [9]    [10]   [11]

Here, step 7 happens in the same test execution in the same JVM as steps 1-6, which means that initMocks is called when there are 4 unconsumed matchers on the stack. This should never happen, so initMocks takes its first opportunity to catch that error. One symptom would be if the misused matcher exception corresponds to a matcher outside of the test that fails: testB failing due to the misuse of a matcher in testA. With the use of validateMockitoUsage in an @After message, you'd have the appropriate test fail instead.