I have a SAS dataset that I have to export to a .csv-file. I have the following two contradicting requirements.
I have to use the semicolon as the delimiter in the .csv-file.
Some of the character variables are manually inputted strings from formulas, hence they may contain semicolons.
My solution to the above is to either escape the semicolon or to replace it with a comma.
How can I, in a nice, clean and efficient way use e.g. tranwrd
on an entire dataset?
My attempt:
For each variable, use the tranwrd(.., ";", ",")
function on a variable in the data set. Update the dataset and loop through all variables. This, however, is naturally a very inefficient way of doing it for even semi-large datasets, since I have to do a datastep for each variable. The code for it is quite ugly, since I have to get the variable names by a few steps, but the inefficiency definitely takes the cake.
data test;
input w $ c b d e $ f $;
Aaa;; 50 11 1 222 a;s
Bbb 35 12 2 250 qw
Comma, 75 13 3 foo zx
* Get the variable names;
proc contents data=test out=vars(keep=name type varnum) order=varnum noprint;
* Sort by variable number;
proc sort data=vars;
by varnum;
* Put variable names into a space-separated string;
proc sql noprint;
select compress(name)
into :name_list separated by ' '
from vars;
%let len = %sysfunc(countw(&name_list));
*Initialize loop dataset;
data a;
set test;
%macro loop;
%do i = 1 %to &len;
%let j = %scan(&name_list,&i);
data a(rename=(v_&j = &j) drop=&j);
set a;