I am storing some data in my ontology model made in protege with help of a SPARQL UPDATE 'insert' operation. Below is the update query.
PREFIX test: <http://www.semanticweb.org/muhammad/ontologies/2017/2/untitled-ontology-14#>
insert {
[] test:Kpi_Variable ?s ;
test:hasValue_ROB4 ?p ;
test:hasTime ?now .
where {
values (?s ?p) {
(test:Actual_Production_Time 33)
bind (now() as ?now)
It stores in the rdf graph in the following way:
[ test:Kpi_Variable test:Actual_Production_Time ;
test:hasTime "2017-06-02T14:40:33.187+03:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
test:hasValue_ROB4 33
] .
Now I want to delete this blank node with the 'delete' operation. I have tried many ways but that didn't work. Any Suggestions?