
Django的 - 字典来Tables2名单(Django - List of Dictionari

2019-07-18 07:44发布


我有我想要使用来填充词典列表Tables2表。 我不知道如何去适应类型的字典列表表2中:(该网站建议的工作:

import django_tables2 as tables

data = [
    {"name": "Bradley"},
    {"name": "Stevie"},

class NameTable(tables.Table):
    name = tables.Column()

table = NameTable(data)

我不明白这一点! 此外,我将使用许多不同的数据集,因此我的钥匙将在意见改变了这一观点。


[{'trial2_click': u'left', 'timeStored': datetime.time(13, 35, 5), 'runOnWhatHardware': u'bla', 'id': 1L, 'timeStart': datetime.datetime(2012, 11, 2, 12, 54, 58, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'trial1_RT': 234.1, 'approxDurationInSeconds': 123L, 'timeZone': u'UTC', 'expt_id': 2L, 'trial1_click': u'right', 'trial2_RT': 2340L}, {'trial2_click': u'left', 'timeStored': datetime.time(13, 39, 15), 'runOnWhatHardware': u'bla', 'id': 2L, 'timeStart': datetime.datetime(2012, 11, 2, 12, 54, 58, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'trial1_RT': 234.1, 'approxDurationInSeconds': 123L, 'timeZone': u'UTC', 'expt_id': 2L, 'trial1_click': u'right', 'trial2_RT': 2340L}, {'trial2_click': u'left', 'timeStored': datetime.time(15, 32, 59), 'runOnWhatHardware': u'bla', 'id': 3L, 'timeStart': datetime.datetime(2012, 11, 2, 12, 54, 58, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'trial1_RT': 234.1, 'approxDurationInSeconds': 123L, 'timeZone': u'UTC', 'expt_id': 4L, 'trial1_click': u'right', 'trial2_RT': 2340L}]


Answer 1:


定义动态模型工厂的基本原则,即允许我们创建动态类的内置功能型()。 而不是正常的语法定义在Python类:




 def getTable(table_name):
    cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM %s,%s;""" %(table_name,'subscription_exptinfo')) # want autoincrement key?
        exptData = dictfetchall(cursor)
    except Exception, e:

    attrs = {}

    for item in cols:
        attrs[str(item)] = tables.Column()

    myTable = type('myTable', (tables.Table,), attrs)        

    return myTable(exptData)

def dictfetchall(cursor):
    "Returns all rows from a cursor as a dict"
    desc = cursor.description
    return [
        dict(zip([col[0] for col in desc], row))
        for row in cursor.fetchall()

Answer 2:

创建Table你要显示的每个类型的表的子类。 按类型我的意思是设置的柱 。 例如:

import datetime
import django_tables2 as tables

    {'trial2_click': u'left', 'timeStored': datetime.time(13, 35, 5), 'runOnWhatHardware': u'bla', 'id': 1L, 'timeStart': datetime.datetime(2012, 11, 2, 12, 54, 58), 'trial1_RT': 234.1, 'approxDurationInSeconds': 123L, 'timeZone': u'UTC', 'expt_id': 2L, 'trial1_click': u'right', 'trial2_RT': 2340L},
    {'trial2_click': u'left', 'timeStored': datetime.time(13, 39, 15), 'runOnWhatHardware': u'bla', 'id': 2L, 'timeStart': datetime.datetime(2012, 11, 2, 12, 54, 58), 'trial1_RT': 234.1, 'approxDurationInSeconds': 123L, 'timeZone': u'UTC', 'expt_id': 2L, 'trial1_click': u'right', 'trial2_RT': 2340L},
    {'trial2_click': u'left', 'timeStored': datetime.time(15, 32, 59), 'runOnWhatHardware': u'bla', 'id': 3L, 'timeStart': datetime.datetime(2012, 11, 2, 12, 54, 58), 'trial1_RT': 234.1, 'approxDurationInSeconds': 123L, 'timeZone': u'UTC', 'expt_id': 4L, 'trial1_click': u'right', 'trial2_RT': 2340L}

class TrialTable(tables.Table):
    trial2_click = tables.Column()
    timeStored = tables.TimeColumn()
    runOnWhatHardware = tables.Column()
    timeStart = tables.DateTimeColumn()
    trial1_RT = tables.Column()
    approxDurationInSeconds = tables.Column()
    timeZone = tables.Column()
    expt_id = tables.Column()
    trial1_click = tables.Column()
    trial2_RT = tables.Column()

文章来源: Django - List of Dictionaries to Tables2