$info = Get-Content -Path $TextFile | Select-Object -Index $from,$to
foreach ($line in $info)
但是,这是行不通的。 这就像如果它只是变得子集中的第一线。
$info = Get-Content -Path $TextFile | Select-Object -Index $from,$to
foreach ($line in $info)
但是,这是行不通的。 这就像如果它只是变得子集中的第一线。
PS> help select -param index
-Index <Int32[]>
Selects objects from an array based on their index values. Enter the indexes in a comma-separated list.
Indexes in an array begin with 0, where 0 represents the first value and (n-1) represents the last value.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value None
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
基于上述,“8.13”将让你只需两行。 有一两件事你可以做的是通过数字数组,你可以使用范围运算符:
Get-Content -Path $TextFile | Select-Object -Index (8..13) | Foreach-Object {...}
是固定长度的行? 如果是这样,你可以通过简单地计算寻求所需的位置offset*row length
和使用类似的.Net FileStream.Seek()
。 如果不是,你所能做的是按行读取文件一行。
# Open text file
$reader = [IO.File]::OpenText($myFile)
# Read lines until there are no lines left. Count the lines too
while( ($l = $reader.ReadLine()) -ne $null) {
# If current line is within extract range, print it
if($i -ge $m -and $i -le $n) {
$("Row {0}: {1}" -f $i, $l)
if($i -gt $n) { break } # Stop processing the file when row $n is reached.
# Close the text file reader
一开始Content命令有readcount和TOTALCOUNT参数。 我会玩的那些,并试图设定,让你的兴趣在分配给对象获取行,然后使用该对象的循环。
Select-String $FilePath -pattern "FromHere" | Out-Null
$FromHereStartingLine = Select-String $FilePath -pattern "FromHere" | Select-Object LineNumber
$UptoHereStartingLine = Select-String $FilePath -pattern "UptoHere" | Select-Object LineNumber
for($i=$FromHereStartingLine.LineNumber; $i -lt $UptoHereStartingLine.LineNumber; $i+=1)
$HoldInVariable += Get-Content -Path $FilePath | Foreach-Object { ($_ -replace "`r*`n*","") } | Select-Object -Index $i
Write-Host "HoldInVariable : " $HoldInVariable
以下是为我工作。 它提取所有2线之间的内容。
$name = "MDSinfo"
$MDSinfo = "$PSScriptRoot\$name.txt" #create text file
$MDSinfo = gc $MDSinfo
$from = ($MDSinfo | Select-String -pattern "sh feature" | Select-Object LineNumber).LineNumber
$to = ($MDSinfo | Select-String -pattern "sh flogi database " | Select-Object LineNumber).LineNumber
$i = 0
$array = @()
foreach ($line in $MDSinfo)
foreach-object { $i++ }
if (($i -gt $from) -and ($i -lt $to))
$array += $line