Google App Engine, Change which python version

2019-07-18 06:36发布


I'm trying to use the GCS client library with my app engine app and I ran into this -

"In order to use the client library in your app, put the /src/cloudstorage directory in your sys.path so Python can find it."

First, does this mean I need to move the directory into my sys.path OR does it need to add the ~/src/cloudstorage/ to my PATH environment variable?

Second, when I print sys.version and sys.path from the App Engine Interactive Console, I see a Python Version of 2.7.2, but when I print from my Terminal (on a Mac), I get the Python I want to use and installed via Homebrew - 2.7.5. The sys.path in the Console shows all App Engine paths and the default Python installation - /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7

On my terminal - /usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/

I need help understanding how to change this.

** UPDATE **

Okay, I figured out part of this answer. "In order to use the client library in your app, put the /src/cloudstorage directory in your sys.path so Python can find it." means moving the actual directory to the App Engine project directory.

The second piece still remains - why is my Mac PATH environment variable not used in APP Engine. How can I change the default version of Python used by the App Engine (from 2.7.2 to 2.7.5)? This is not related to changing the version in the YAML file.


In GAE change the python path via Preferences settings, set Python Path to match your python 27 path.